Reviews for Beastly Possession
Hayoen chapter 37 . 5h
honestly was a little iffy to begin with bc anyone who knows me irl knows that i have a serious aversion to anything horror related, but i was interested and decided that after SAO Alicization i could deal with a little gore. i ended up being sucked in completely and binged this in an entire day (thank lanta i don't have any homework) and even tho i skipped the mature parts (a little underage here) i enjoyed this story a lot more than i initially thought i would. the characters were believable and your OC wasn't annoying (i usually have issues with OCs but Balaur was fine for some reason) and of course Natsu would figure out a way to save himself from being feral without the ceremony...

anyways just wanted to say thanks for thinking up of such an amazing story and putting it out here! :)
Hayoen chapter 12 . 10h
ik this is a horror story and whatnot, but that ending was hilarious and even tho i ship miraxus i admit it was a great scene
also when i read about gildarts releasing his power i literally searched up the gildarts shift on youtube because that was what it reminded me of and spent a good minute giggling like a schoolgirl because they shifted an entire city just for one mage and i swear they only did it for shits and giggles
Hayoen chapter 9 . 11h
honestly, gray and lucy's friendship is so underrated and i'm genuinely happy that you included so much of it here
24241711 chapter 2 . 6/23
When you said someone threw up I thought surly it would be grosser then that! But anyhow, it was a truly awesome chapter and really want to read the next one now. ( I’m really into gross things so that’s probably why I don’t feel sick right now)
NaLutrash14 chapter 37 . 4/27
absolutely adored this story. very unique indeed. Thank you for writing this, keep up the amazing work! Nalu forever!
Wolf957 chapter 37 . 3/1
...I don't know if you're taking request. But, if you are, or needing an idea for another/new story, I got an idea that you may like to do, especially for a Nalu and Gajevy story (...Even a Miraxus, StingYu, Roguerva and Kinabra [Erik and Kinana]):

All the Male Dragon Slayers are going through heat (Dragon Mating Season) and are ready to mate. However, the Alpha of the group has to start it off before the others could (That being Laxus; all the Dragon Slayers formed a pact with each other, becoming a family group of their own from how few they are [Wendy is their baby/little sister, but is too young for Mating Season]). He starts off by scent-marking his mate, before he takes her to his den, while releasing a pheromone that the other males picked up and went to look for their mates (They find it to be the appropriate time to claim their mates and start families of their own [They want to become fathers and desire to have their mates pregnant with their babies/hatchlings.]).

While the females, not Dragon Slayers, are effected by their mates' pheromones (lightheadedness, fever-like symptoms), which helps their bodies to relax and increase the chances at becoming pregnant. So, the males will keep mating/rutting with their mates, until they end up pregnant... And yes, the Male Dragon Slayers have knots (Being more as dragon, than human and all).
sugarplum2498 chapter 34 . 2/28
This was so GOOD I’m glad the boy has been saved
sugarplum2498 chapter 32 . 2/25
This was very effective in pissing me off HA. I was like “dog no way they’re so much better than this”
sugarplum2498 chapter 30 . 2/25
Uh oh, stay sane Natsu! And I must say out of all the wild stuff that’s been in this story nothing has made cringe as much as the cracked femur. I dunno why, broken thigh bones make me freak out more than anything else. Maybe just because they’re so long and so much muscle is connected
sugarplum2498 chapter 29 . 2/25
sugarplum2498 chapter 26 . 2/25
Also when I’m done with this story I think I’ll read Lion’s pride! I read the synopsis and I have been interested, but I often opt for short n sweet, but luckily this story drew me in and now I know I love the way you write!
sugarplum2498 chapter 25 . 2/25
Natsu better not freakin lose
sugarplum2498 chapter 24 . 2/25
Really good chapter, and sad note at the endthat’s crazy that you’ve gone through all of that! The human brain really be stinky ugly sometimes
sugarplum2498 chapter 19 . 2/25
You’ve captured the concept of the id in a very epic way! Idk if I’ve said it, but this story in genera is pretty epic
sugarplum2498 chapter 18 . 2/25
Okay I love how much of a smooth talker sting was in the opening! And I’m glad we got some Gray and Natsu banter, it’s only natural to not trust him right away but everyone knows Gray loves that boy
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