Reviews for Digidestind united:
alamodie chapter 10 . 6/12/2008
whoa jeez, tre awesome story! i dont know how you keep up with so many characters ;P But what happened down there, you dont seem to have updated in a while...*hinthint*

So...i hope you find your keyboard soon...B
Shadow chapter 10 . 1/23/2003
Aye. My name really isn't Shadow (I registered as Enzeru No Kage), but I've read your story, and am very pleased.

...I mean, the last time falkoren tried to join an interactive... *shudders*

I'm a good friend of falkoren's, and he recommended you. And may Gods be damned, I am impressed! You are very good!

...Now if only falkoren could learn that kind of writing... _~

Why don't you join his interactive fic? Well, when you get back that is. Judging by the date of the last time you put up a chapter, you either aren't really into digimon anymore, or simply have too much to do off ffn.

...But try to join anyways. _

Keep writing!
Univerise Star chapter 10 . 7/28/2002
Great Fiction ,but when you went into the fighting scene it doesn't have much power. I have a question & e-mail it back to me.

Is Shawn in love with Joanna?
Salior Dream chapter 10 . 7/26/2002
I loved it. Excellent work!
Falkoren chapter 10 . 7/26/2002
I gotta copy/paste it right now but im sure it'll be another great chapter! Sorry for not bein able to read it yet...
Peaceful dreamer chapter 10 . 7/25/2002
Excellent!, I loved it keep up the good work :)
Teresa chapter 10 . 7/25/2002
Chapter 8 was very good definetly worth the wait. I really like this story and only two more chapters until Aika joins the party cool.
Chibigreen chapter 10 . 7/25/2002
Good story. _ With so many characters, it gets just a bit confusing, but overall it is good. _
Ninity chapter 10 . 7/25/2002
Alright! Great chapter, keep up the good work! Dont let that writers block get you down! Ooh... Diego&Tasmis sitten in a tree... he-he! Thats so sweet...!*dreamy smile* Oh! And Zolimon says she likes the story too! :)
brc87 chapter 10 . 7/25/2002
Great 't wait for the up the good work.-Jazzel
Kay chapter 9 . 7/21/2002
I just found this story it's really good. I hope to be able to read more soon. *hint hint* write more.
Teresa chapter 9 . 6/30/2002
Good chapter, I can't wait for more. Keep it up!
Teresa chapter 8 . 6/25/2002
I love this story so much! I can't wait until Aika comes in. Good work! Keep it up!
brc87 chapter 8 . 6/24/2002
Great was very good!Can't wait for the next part!-Jazzel Son
Falkoren chapter 7 . 6/24/2002
This will be interesting when all the tamers are together but i have a question...Before they all meet any of the digidestined can i show up at some random time and beat one of them or something similar... preferably Joanna cause she seems like the type that NEEDS to be beaten at least once.
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