Reviews for My Silent Savior
StarWolf626 chapter 1 . 1/20/2017
Out of all the ships for Dawn, this one is da best. And Dott is the worst.
OmniUIShaggyOverexaggerated chapter 1 . 6/29/2016
Dawn and B? Most likely.
DeathByACookie chapter 1 . 3/16/2014
I love the story! My favorite part was when Dawn said that all of the Wiki crap and stuff...
Okay so great job amigo! Keep it up! :3
Inconspicuous-Wizard chapter 1 . 11/4/2013
Awww! That was so cute, I love B x Dawn! :) (I cried when Shakespeare died as well! T_T )
thekillerrox123 chapter 1 . 10/23/2013
Aww that was cute! Excellent story; you outta write more Bawn. I'd love to read some more of your stuff.
GiLaw The Sparky chapter 1 . 10/15/2013
Awwww! That was really sweet! I loved how Dawn could understand B and got him to speak. So cute!
LOL, Staci! :D
I remember I didn't want Dawn to leave too. She should have been in Total Drama All Stars
Benjamin Ellimist chapter 1 . 8/4/2013
I actually read this one a long time ago. I enjoyed it, but I only review those I know. Now that I know you better I can review. I tottally agree. Dawn is above all my favorite contestant over all, as she is my niece and she is just plain awesome! B is one of my favorites too, although I wasn't as sad when he was eliminated. Oh, and thank you for standing up for the whole Bawn thing. Dott is ridiculous and absurd! Does anyone see what he did to Dawn?! Hello people! He is a jerk and doesnt deserve a good of girl as her! It freaking ticks me off! And I don't see B as a doctor. as you can recall, he is a pure inventer by heart. And when I do get to writing fics on him, I prefer he stays silent. I just find it more natrual for him to be that way. Anyway, I loved it, loved you, loved everything! Peace on! Boop!
New Divides chapter 1 . 3/7/2013
That was really sweet that B offered to watch Dawn's fav show with her. Keep writing!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/4/2013
that is so sad i All most cryed at the bit when dawn was in that bag and its all scotts and chefs fault if it wasnt for b she will be died if b didnt save her scott and chef is a murder
Ohfortheloveofpete chapter 1 . 12/22/2012
If it makes Dawn feel any better, Scott ultimately suffered a fate that would make what nearly happened to her preferable...
a person chapter 1 . 10/24/2012
This was really good. can you please do more stories with this couple? PLEASE?!
a chapter 1 . 7/16/2012
your cameronxdawn story was reallly good
malzi21 chapter 1 . 7/15/2012
Ever heard of don't like, don't read? Troll...

Yeah, considering I have like the only Dawn/B fic more than 2000 words, I'm way overdue in reviewing this. I likes this story a lot, short yet sweet, and everyone got some development (including Staci, that is no small task!) You captured their interactions extraordinarily well, this is exactly how I'd see them communicate (if B were ever to talk that is.)

Overall, this fic both when posted and still today has been one of my favorites. Excellent work!
EvilStudMuffin chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
boo! screw dawn and b!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/5/2012
awww :D

This is TOO cute, please please please do more stories I want to read more Silent B and Dawn stories. Your story seems like a real episode for TDRI, continue the fluff/emotional moments because it feels that we are watching Total Drama: Revenge of the Island.

from Tesha
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