Reviews for Breaktime
Emily chapter 2 . 4/10/2019
Hi, great story! Just to let you know in the first paragraph of chapter 2.
'annoy the personnal since morning'
You should have 'this' in between 'since' and 'morning', it still completely makes sense though.
IndyStarkDeanJr chapter 11 . 3/24/2019
* comes here * * grin *

So. Indeed. I could, can, will be, am able to read this one. I remember it, the feels it create, the need it reminds me, how much i love them and how much they love each other. This one is so soft, it reveals so much of them, of him, of how much he respected and loves her.
"Tonight is about you"
"The pride and affection she saw" ... see.
"They stood face to face for the longest time, just looking at each other in the dim, warm light, with hunger in their eyes" Those kind of sentence make me want to write. To lose myself into writing again. Thank you.
He "held her face as he kissed her softly" my god it's so beautiful.
"She could count on one hand the number of times a man had looked at her like that" and all thoses times it was him. Isn't it ?
"Standing naked from the waist up before her" oh god that's sexy.
Okay, so the first sex part that follow I "didn't like" it so much, but my ... his tenderness and love. It's everywhere in his words and movements ... Il est si beau.
Then, of course ii love when he touches her ... like this.
Ha, ha, no condom. She wanna feels him. My.
"Her arms were a bit numb, so he wrapped them around his neck for her" my... loved imagining that. He suits him so well.

"She turned to him with the same blissful smile as she has twenty years before and rolled on her side, cuddling up against his chest" ... so ... perfect together.
He didn't want to leave "her" alone. He doesn't want to find himself alone either..
So he stays...
He stays. Forever and ever. Thanks a billion time, to the end of the universe and back.

... Merci beaucoup. Those ones i love.
Ils s'aiment tant.
Abby chapter 11 . 3/24/2019
Update! Update! Update! Update! Update! Update! Update! I live for this. UPDATE! Update! Update! Update! Update! Update! Update! Update!
calianabergman chapter 11 . 3/3/2019
Hot hot hot
Deny chapter 10 . 8/8/2018
Please update soon
Anonymous22 chapter 10 . 8/3/2018
Giiiirl, this was so HOT. I definitely loved it! Keep posting, please.
Anonymous chapter 10 . 8/1/2018
I love it, please keep writing
Nancy chapter 10 . 8/1/2018
Just keep writing
Lauren chapter 10 . 7/31/2018
I've been waiting for this for a long time
mstimekeeper chapter 10 . 7/24/2018
GIIIIRRRL! I loved this! I swear, each time you write, the story is hotter than the last one! Even among all the kinky fun, House's concern was touching. Write MOAR! PLEEEEASE!
House-less chapter 9 . 8/30/2017
Je me rends compte que je n'ai jamais review ce chapitre :o
Meuf t'y crois que je l'ai lu alors que papa était dans les parages cette fois aussi? XD

C'était très hot en tout cas :) j'aime bien qu'à la fin ça dérive sur quelque chose d'un peu plus soft, une petite note de sweetness. Voilà :p
House-less chapter 8 . 7/1/2017
GURL. I need to breathe. That was definitely hawt. *blushing emoji* you and I know it's what happened behind the doors of that elevator :)))

THE MAINTENANCE GUY PART MADE ME ROTFLMAO XDDDD oh christ on a bike :') *photo de Chance qd il le dit*

I loved it and I wanna more of this :3 *content smile*
mstimekeeper chapter 7 . 3/4/2017
Yay, you're back! I am so happy! This is one of my all-time fave smutty House fics! Where do I begin? I loved that even though Cuddy was in charge, she had House dominate her. Looking forward to some kinky fun more from you. Soon, I hope!
House-less chapter 7 . 2/19/2017
Gnuhuhuhuhuhuu. I pushed you to publish and I REGRET NOTHING! (même si tu te fais incendier en reviews 8))

I loved this one (Good Lord forgive me for I have sinned). It's right that Cuddy in a dominant position in an other place than at work - in bed, en l'occurrence (oui, oui)- is a very good idea. AND the fact that SHE was handcuffed but still the dominant, I looooove. It was very sexy and hot :p
I liked the last part, too. Sweet ;) I agree that using him and then making him humiliate her was very sexy, and clever *grin*

And... I think that Ju can read this after all! :p (Ju, si tu lis ça ...) XD

NOW THE SECOND PART! (for suggestions ... *GRINS LIKE A CAT WHO JUST ATE TWO CANARIS* I'll keep you in touch XD)

Merci Raccoon :D
Guest chapter 6 . 12/25/2016
Love this!
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