Reviews for Entwined
S7820527 chapter 1 . 10/12/2018
ImAFan73 chapter 5 . 4/2/2012
I loved this last chapter! I'm glad we got to see Peeta and Katniss actually speak to one another. Since you're asking for fic ideas, I would love to see some more moments between the Mellark family (from their younger years to their older years..maybe something after Peeta wins the games). And of course, I'm always down for more Peeta and Katniss (I would love to see their life before/after the epilogue. I think Peeta would be a great father like his own dad). Sorry for so many suggestions but I love your writing!
ImAFan73 chapter 4 . 4/2/2012
I loved this one! It broke my heart but I couldn't stop reading. I love all the Mellark boys and how much they love one another. It's nice to see Katniss see this other side of them, that even the merchants have problems too.
ImAFan73 chapter 3 . 4/2/2012
Great chapter! You couldn't have picked a better name for Mara. Once again, I love seeing the Mellark family. I love the relationship that the brothers share and their relationship with their father, despite the hollow creature they are forced to call a mother. I love that Peeta, as the youngest, is the least afraid of their mother. If only Katniss knew what he went through for her. I'm anxious to read more!
ImAFan73 chapter 1 . 4/2/2012
I loved this first moment! I think Peeta has got to be the cutest kid on the planet! It's also very nice to see a happier side of Mrs. Everdeen and I've always wanted to get to know Mr. Mellark as well.
Allibella731 chapter 5 . 2/21/2012
I liked it. There were some spelling/grammar/tense issues, but overall I enjoyed the story idea and thought your characterization was quite good. )
Kari chapter 3 . 2/14/2012
I love this story! Well Writen
Mockingjay99 chapter 5 . 2/14/2012
Write more Peeta/Katniss stories! :D
Perfectly-Imperfect-14 chapter 5 . 2/14/2012
Hey! Please check out my story, "We All Are". I really loved this and I hope you can give me ideas/pointers for my story. Thanks!
mustbemalx chapter 4 . 2/13/2012
I love this; I about cried!

Update soon, I can't wait!(:
Thefaultinourstarfish chapter 4 . 2/12/2012
Thefaultinourstarfish chapter 2 . 2/12/2012
goldenspring chapter 4 . 2/12/2012
i have never felt so close to knowing Peeta than now; thank ou for this chapter. i think deep stories are a part of the lives of Katniss and peeta.
bree chapter 4 . 2/12/2012
This was really good and sad. I always imagined Peeta's mother to be brutal like this. I hated it that the books didn't go deeper into Peeta's life.
Kate Wetherall chapter 4 . 2/12/2012
Oh, I really liked that one! I am really enjoying this story- especially how you're adding more of Peeta's relationships with his family members. Cannot wait for the update!
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