Reviews for The Blackness 2: Shady
fatter chapter 7 . 6/19/2017
oh i loved this story so very much! you sre an excellent writer
slendersummerseve chapter 3 . 5/6/2014
NO NOT AGAIN! Cameron should go jump into a ditch. Preferably one that is six feet deep, and rectangular.
slendersummerseve chapter 1 . 5/6/2014
What plans? What is Nico talking about? MY BABIES DO NOT NEED ANY MORE ANGST. STAHP IT.
Jess-love95 chapter 7 . 2/3/2014
I'm happy they are together again at the end ! D
Jess-love95 chapter 3 . 2/3/2014
Oh no ! I liked Cameron, why does he have to be a meanie ? .
Jess-love95 chapter 1 . 2/3/2014
I like this chapter ) Even if I don't like the end of course
Just for information, in case you don't know, Hestia swore off men just like Artemis and Athéna, so she can't have children. The only way Athéna can is that she forms the children with a thought, so the love between her and the man is purely intellectual. But it's not really important so it's okay )
I like how Nico freaked out Under water XD
But I don't like how Nico didn't want to be attached to Percy again, even if it's to save himself from heartache...
Poor Nico at the end though... It's true he is always pushed out ! Not fair . I hope Percy will find him and also find a way for them to be happy with each other...
axelnox chapter 7 . 1/3/2014
I am fangirling so hard right now! I couldn't stop laughing at the part where Nico threw the tantrum and Percy was all, "You just reenacted a scene from toddlers-and-tiaras." XD beautifully written and so on and so fourth. So, can we expect a part three? PERICICO FOR THE WIN! :3
Fickle Hippo chapter 7 . 11/27/2013
Arrgghhh why the hell was this so awesome! There is going to be a 3rd one right? Right? It was amazing! I thought it was great Nico killing Cameron. Not many people are brave enough to write that. And nico dying! I had tears in my eyes and when he came back I loved his getting old achey, can't wait for them to fix him!

Ok I balled my eyes out when they broke up. It was heart breaking. Them kissing and touching for the last time. It was romantic and depressing. It was just incredible.

But they are back together now! Omg I am so happy! And how you did it! I love nico having a shop in Italy! And poor percy :( I hope in the next one he finds something for him.

The only thing I'm not so sure on with the story is why grover and annabeth still don't like nico.. I thought maybe they would be a bit more friendly by now. But anyways I don't mind its kinda nice only reading about percy and nico.

Ok now I'm done blabbering. Thanks for a awesome story. Jesh.
Spottedmask77 chapter 2 . 11/12/2013
*giant mother fucking nosebleed*
DerangedOtakuFangirl chapter 7 . 7/12/2013
Aww! :) Love!
TsukinArchangel chapter 7 . 4/3/2013
hnnngggggh loved this fic...though this totally sounds like there's going to be a third one that ending is totally setting itself up for another fic...well i hope so cause I WUV THIS ONE!
TsukinArchangel chapter 6 . 4/2/2013
n-nooooooooooooooo TEARS FALL FROM MY FACE D;
TsukinArchangel chapter 3 . 4/2/2013
lol i totally saw the Cameron - Nico coming DON'T GIVE IN NICO!
NicoDiAngeloLover7 chapter 7 . 12/27/2012
i loved this story so much! I think you put some really good emotions in this story. I was literally in tears with Nico dying, the breakup, and them both finally getting back together. And I'm usually emotional.
XTheSonofHadesX chapter 7 . 11/19/2012
Wait, when you say end, it's not really the end, is it? Percy should move to Italy and they should go find Hebe. I loved this chapter. They were so adorable.
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