Reviews for Reparations
SarahLuzie chapter 8 . 4/26/2017
Why aren't all those abandoned stories marked y_y
DeathCure chapter 8 . 2/17/2015
This story is amazing! I really want to see how it develops! Please update soon!
Sychronergy chapter 8 . 12/25/2012
I definitely love this fic! If only you'd continue this (which I still hope you will, since it's not technically that long since it was updated. Your character portrayal is amazing, and thanks for writing!
Ishi-Kanekami chapter 8 . 10/31/2012
You are the best bloody HP fic writter I have ever read.
Rufescent chapter 8 . 10/17/2012
I like it! A lot, actually. I like how the story's progressing and your characterization. Awesome job!

I hope you can update soon. Have great week!
XscarlettXayrinX chapter 8 . 8/2/2012
Please please please update! This is so interesting and original. I would love to see how this story turns out!
Gothic Lust chapter 8 . 7/14/2012
Oh god, I love you Draco! :D Please update again soon. :D
Guest chapter 8 . 7/5/2012
i love this story and cant wait for an update
Deloney James chapter 8 . 6/20/2012
Ahhh you my dear are a brilliant writer and I am depressed beyond words that this has not been updated in quite sometime. It's summer please continue because the complexity of each character is intriguing and I want Darry goodness. End rant. Please update!
Bookwoman17NerdyMom chapter 8 . 5/17/2012
What a delightful story! And true to character, to boot. Can't wait for more!

hotflower901 chapter 8 . 5/5/2012
Draco and Harry always have known how to hurt each other with words. Foolish boys
NightRoseK chapter 8 . 5/1/2012
I really like where this fic is going! Please continue it!

I thought it was a very believable conversation. It had just the right amount of nastiness, while still showing that they both care. I'm really looking forward to more!

Oh, and it's also very well written! You don't have a beta, do you? Either way, very impressive and enjoyable.

Sorry for the slight rant. xD

NightRoseK x
maggie1618 chapter 8 . 4/24/2012
Can't wait for more!
brittany chapter 8 . 4/21/2012
Please don't give up on this story! There's still so many unanswered questions. Why is harry so pissed at Ron? Why can't harry see Mr weasley at night? And why are hermione and Ron suddenly all buddy buddy with Draco? Plus, you rated this story M! Gotta have some Drarry loving in there ;) please update soon!
Shuga34 chapter 8 . 4/10/2012
Enjoying this very much so far. I noticed that you haven't updated in a little over a month. I do hope that you haven't abandoned this fic. I want to see where you take our boys next.
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