Reviews for The First Time They Met
alpha099 chapter 8 . 6/5
Relly great story, hope you continue.
natwithwriterblock chapter 8 . 1/27
I know it has been a long time, but I hope you will update the story at one point! :)
jlluh chapter 4 . 8/21/2018
I've been really enjoying this story, but this portrayal of Ichigo is weirding me out.

In canon, in serious situations, he's usually fairly smart, mature and composed? The Ichigo in this chapter is like a parody of Naruto.
Samira Vongola chapter 8 . 11/6/2017
I hope you update soon
Guest chapter 8 . 9/6/2017
Hi, just need to say love this fic! Can't wait to see how you continue :) oh and I found one of the (zanpakuto), it's just after Yuzu asks if Rukia likes Ichigo :)
Can't wait for next chapter!
TigerInTheMoonlight chapter 8 . 8/25/2017
I really love this story! I hope you are able to return to it soon
GraciegirlT chapter 8 . 5/18/2017
Can't help but notice the date since the last update. I hope you do not leave us readers in eternal limbo and update soon.
LuvableShannon chapter 1 . 5/13/2017
I just gotta say, man/girl/whatever you may be, your authors note at the beginning cracked me up. The questions of age have definitely been plaguing me. Like, in that flashback arc thing, it's only set 100 years back, yet Byakuka seems half his current age, and everyone else hasn't aged a day. But at some point (thought to be fair I think this may have been a filler), it says Rukia had been a Kuchiki for 40 years, and at that point Byakuya was already fully aged. So it takes only 60 years to age 15ish years? But that never effected anybody else but Byakuka!

Anyways. I'm not quite caught up to the ending of the show, and I am forcing myself to avoid spoilers, so I definitely appreciate your warning, and so unfortunately I can't read this gloriously beautiful fanfiction quite yet :( boo. So I'm favoriting it so I'll be able to find it when I'm done (as soon as I bookmark something, that sucker's lost forever), and I have a rule about favoriting/following withough leaving a review. So that's what this is! While I can't quite comment on the particulars of the story, I can definitely say it sounds hella interesting.
And I love that you try to keep things canon. I swear no one does in fanfiction. So I'm really excited to see how you write everybody. Like, every fanfiction has Karin being super mean and aggressive, but she's actually very protective and caring. Yea, she's brash and can be rude, but that doesn't mean she's a jerk.
So. Yea. I'll be done with the episodes soonish. Only 8p or so left!
Guest chapter 8 . 5/3/2017
LOVE THIS! Great story, can't wait to see how the rest goes! Please update when you can!
Reiko x 3 chapter 8 . 2/7/2017
It was a fluffy chapter, not a bad one. There is nothing wrong with fluff. Don't be so hard on yourself. So you write out each chapter individually in Word? Huh... I just write the whole thing out in a single document and then cut it down into chunks after I finish the story...before I start to edit the entire thing to within an inch of it's life. Multiple times. I have to do it this way so I can set myself update deadlines. If I don't then I'd spend all my time editing and I'd never post anything as the inner perfectionist nitpicks every last detail. Sigh...
tutrya chapter 8 . 12/16/2016

But more seriously glad to this fic getting an update, love the hints about hitsugaya being important to the future of Soul Society. Also, not that I thought she would, happy to see Karin continued desire to be Hitsugaya's friend even in the face of danger.
SailorStar9 chapter 8 . 12/15/2016
Can you believe I *squealed* when I saw this update?
Poor Toushirou, though, Kyouraku and Ukitake will probably have a field day once they learn about his, erm, budding romance with Karin.

And my usual question regarding your fics; how are you going to incorporate Hinamori (if at all) in this? And more importantly, her REACTION to HitsuKarin.
Guest chapter 8 . 12/15/2016
Oh my gosh, I have been waiting for an update for FOREVER. I'm really glad to hear that you and your son are doing well. And thank you for updating. I'm always on the hunt for quality HitsuKarin stories. This was a great chapter. I love hearing your explanation with everything. I have a HitsuKarin story that I'm writing but I have a lot of trouble with it because a lot of things don't make sense or there isn't enough info on it. I probably said this on a prior review but I love the idea of the mind walkers. I don't know of you read the manga but I would recommend it if you don't as Toshiro has some great parts and reveals. Thanks again for updating and I look forward to the next chapter!
SunshineWitch91 chapter 8 . 12/15/2016
I do really love this story. It's one of the best fanfictions I've need with this concept. The only thing is how hard it is on Ichigo. How much do they have to torture the poor guy. Also I miss Ichigo's classmates being around, I think that may actually help Ichigo. I'd love to see more of them. I like what you did with Karin and Yuzu. It's cute the Yuzu is actually thinking a lot like Ichigo is. It's really cute. I really you update this story soon. I'd say maybe back off the story right now and leave it be though. The writing feels forced and isn't that entertaining to read. Take a break for a while. Read the manga or watch the anime again, that's what I do when I'm stuck. Or sometimes I'll work on another story or oneshot or something. I know this account hasn't made anything in a while but I have another account I used because I forgot my login for this one.
Kaito1412 chapter 8 . 12/14/2016
Man I thought you would never update .every couple of months I would check in and reread no Shirayuki is rukia.i thought this chapter was it does feel like something is your son gets toshiro complete his Bandai like in the manga and rukia too.
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