Reviews for Observations
keeta4ever chapter 1 . 1/3/2017
it was really good! loved how sweet Peeta is
Guest chapter 11 . 8/10/2014
I dont often write reviews but that scene with Haymitch made me cry and I just wanted to let you know this is beautiful so far:)
A Daisy For Draco chapter 5 . 7/12/2012
i don't know where i got the idea but it came in my sleep one night that haymitch could have katniss and prim's uncle by being their dad's brother. but again a lot of things cme to me in my sleep most wierd like a dream about a dog dressed as a spy on a swing in the mcdonald's parking yeah most wierd
LivingReminder chapter 14 . 6/18/2012
Thanks for updating! :)
SockMonkie chapter 14 . 6/18/2012
Ahhhhhhh I just about freaked out when i saw you had updated :) I REALLY like how you're continuing the story, I cannot wait to see where you take this! Update soon please, love, I'm not sure I could stand not reading your beautiful words any longer :)
AlyssaMellark66 chapter 14 . 6/18/2012
Oh my god. When I got the email saying there was a new chapter for this story, I had a heart attack. Please update. Or I will die. I can't take the stress of waiting anymore. Not again. Just...just please update.
Modernday1997 chapter 14 . 6/18/2012
Good job!
emohippy1 chapter 14 . 6/18/2012
To lazy to log in hi nice chapter
Hallelujah chapter 12 . 4/12/2012
I saw the movie and I agree not enough kissing. It was still good but im kind of glad because I'm only ten and my mom was watching the movie with me. She gets freaked out whenever I see somebody kiss on tv and that happens on basically every kid's show.
kc324 chapter 3 . 4/5/2012
You were only in the 8th grade when you wrote this? That is very impressive!
FunUnintentionallyCrazyKid chapter 13 . 4/5/2012
Woah! Wait a minute! What? He made her his? Please, for the love of god, tell me the door was closed and locked and that Primm and Mrs. Everdeen heard NOTHING!

Anyway good story, a bit rushed and WAY OOC but good story. :)
Guest chapter 3 . 3/31/2012
Guest chapter 3 . 3/31/2012
loa1234 chapter 13 . 3/27/2012
Oh wow. And with andPrim right in the other

Nice one Peeta
Patricia Cooper chapter 13 . 3/26/2012
sooo sooo sooo sooo sooo sooo good!
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