Reviews for The Seduction of the HeavyFooted MouthBreather
Jay chapter 1 . 3/14/2019
Hey! It's been a while since I last read this fic, years actually, but it still brings me back. It's beautiful, not in an overly-elegant way, but in the sense that I always find myself in awe of it. The frequent use of non-conventional metaphors is wonderful, and your imagery and characterization are perfect. I still wonder about what they wrote on each other's necks, but perhaps that's the charm of it.

Anyway, reading this always feels a bit like coming home, and I just wanted to say thank you for sharing it.
daisuke95 chapter 1 . 1/22/2018
if natural harmonia gropius was a living breathing human bean he'd definitely be a peaceful hippie working at an animal shelter
K.Omni.K chapter 1 . 11/7/2014 I don't think you know how much I enjoy this fic. This is the first time I've read it in a long while - at least over a year - but it's still just as amazing as it was way back when.

I honestly can't describe the (somehow?) pleasant nostalgia this made me feel, so. Just know that someone, somewhere, is has been touched by this story in all of the right ways.

Thank you.
NameUrPoison chapter 1 . 11/12/2013
Dawww I really enjoyed this, it's so cute! I love the idea of Cheren being a secret motherhen, Touko's over protectiveness and N's adorable-stalker self. But most of all, I loved Touya's character.

It reminds us that not everyone is perfect and blend into society like some. I myself had a few problems in my schooling (equvilant to high school?) But it sorted itself out in the end. To me, it's not about fitting in cuz you are who you are. Even if you try to do so, you'll fail eventually and become someone you are not.

Thank you for making this. It was as adorable as a begging Slyvoen when you hold the Pokepuff jus outta its reach *laughs evils*
yumeicchi chapter 1 . 7/31/2013
Wowie, ok, this little fanfic made me cry at the part where Touko is treating Touya's injuries and it left me with a warm fuzzy feeling at the end. This is really one of the great isshushipping fanfics out there, you did a really good job with the AU storyline too!
Namesake chapter 1 . 5/28/2013
This is awesome. At first I was like, lol, and my mom kept giving me odd looks from acros the couch. then I serioused and worried over the characters. Finally at the end, I was all warm and fuzzy inside. You don't even know. The way the wording was done was quite excellent in my opinion, and I saw what you did there, With Zekrom and Caterpi. 3 Also, yes, N at an animal shelter would be too cute. (D
wolfeclipse25 chapter 1 . 2/20/2013
Great story! I had some giggles (O.O ...giggling)! Like Dead Walter Caterpie and Burgh saying the nail polish brought out Toya's eyes
Gooey Witch chapter 1 . 1/17/2013
Uwah w I absolutely loved this story. (And I've always loved this style of writing. w))

You should write more Isshushipping. .w. Seriously.
Black Cloud chapter 1 . 1/11/2013
This is just so silly yet sweet that might end up getting diabetes. Glad you bothered to write and share this little fanfic with the rest of us.
Silueby Harmakido chapter 1 . 11/5/2012
I think N working for the animal shelter is adorable
almost as adorable as this entire story omg iloveyou
bulbasoars chapter 1 . 9/22/2012
Oh my god, this was just perfect in every way. I love your writing style and the subtle and clever humor throughout this. I...I had no idea there were writers who can write this amazingly. I'm pretty shocked but definitely not unhappy about this fact at all. Keep writing wonderful things :)
Pandas Are Still Bears RAWR chapter 1 . 9/17/2012
Oh wow this is so sweet! Couldn't stop myself from doing a facepalm while smiling at the part where Touya picked the water fountain as a wonderful hiding spot. He seems to get hurt alot in this fic huh? :D

Love how Touko's so overprotective around her little bro and how N works in an animal shelter. Thanks for making this one-shot (U IS AWESOME).
BeyondBirthdayBeyond.the.limit chapter 1 . 9/16/2012
Wei chapter 1 . 8/16/2012
This is so cute. Oh gawd. I want to snjskfhandkskHE hug you.
HaPpY bAcKwArDs chapter 1 . 8/15/2012
Wahh! . I feel as if this should be a manga! In such a small amount of time, I became attached to N and Touyas personalities here. Animal shelter suits N! I wish there was more! If you write more on them, i'd love to read
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