Reviews for A Valentine's to Remember
Yhaelle-chii chapter 1 . 3/31/2016
We both came from the same country so yeah...I'm freaking out over here!...It's a good thing that I read this at around 07:00 am because if I found this fic before sleeping, I might not be able to sleep anymore...

the horror of my blockmates told me that story before to scare the shit out of me when I told her that I'll be alone in dorm room that day (I have a dormmate but for some reason she was going to spend the night in one of her own blockmate's place so I was left alone)...she kind of told me the same story except the hole was inside the room (in one of the walls) and the the eyes staring at her is blue...but damn! This story gave me the same chills I felt that time! And now, my fear of peeping into peep holes has increased...great wprk though!
Horsemoon17 chapter 1 . 11/4/2015
AHHHHHH! I'm so scared! Sk the second time Rauna looked in, he saw her eyes? The woman was staring at him!?
jenuuchi chapter 1 . 2/8/2014
Hehe ima stay at a hotel now and like scare the crap outa my friends by telling that story like uh
"In a hotel, a brunette and his boy friend-"
Rei: "wait don't you mean her?"
No I mean him shut up Rei. Okay "A brunette Nd his boyfriend were staying in a hotel on Valentines Day. There was a room with no number and the next day, the brunette woke up at midnight. As he came out of the bathroom, he was curious of what was in the room. He saw someone. Like a woman. Deciding it was rude to spy, he left. The next day, he peeked into the room again and saw something red. When his boyfriend was packing the things into the car, he asked the blonde at the front (I forget wat the stuffy is called lol) about the room. He said (tells story about the room) and then…"
I shut off the lights
Me "Calm down geez they just never went there again…Mou I'm tired night guys" *sleeps*
Tsubasa: I'm scared…
Keiko: Wahh what if the scary lady comes here
Kyo: S-shut up you guys
Akio: Zzz

Marisay-chan chapter 1 . 1/29/2014
...T-This is seriously creepy. At first I thought that it was just going to be a story that Dino is telling...but...

"...They were red..."

I actually blinked for a while before a chill (really) ran down my spine as I realized what this actually implied. An applause to you my dear author, for this story is the very first scary fiction that actually creeped me out here on fanfiction (Then again I don't really read that much horror fictions)

A job well done! *Thumbs up*
LQAQL chapter 1 . 1/7/2014
YOU SCARED THE SH*T OUT OF MEEE ! and it doesn't help that I'm a scaredy-cat have an active imagination and I read this when it was night and my room was dark ! At first I was like " AAWWW , this is sooo cutteeeee " and then I was "SH*T SH*T SH*T" BUT ! I like your story
ComputerIdiot chapter 1 . 3/10/2013
Hehehe poor Tsuna but I like the story :)
Arienna Natalitha chapter 1 . 12/27/2012
they were red... that wham line got me. ahhhhh
Hibird-sama chapter 1 . 11/29/2012
Her red eyes... Maybe is she possessed by mukuro O.O well he used her dead soul to go on the human world and LOL :p
MiniSadistReborn chapter 1 . 10/4/2012
I'm reading this in the middle of the night and my country is also a spiritual place and it definetwly scares me like fuck! But the romance is shooooo cuuuuuute! Keep up the good work!
Lexie-chan94 chapter 1 . 8/14/2012
It's a good horror story with a mixture of romance XD
FallenxLinkin chapter 1 . 8/6/2012
i think it's nice
Guest chapter 1 . 8/3/2012
Oh my god!D:
That was creepy and I read it so late :DD
No shit.I love your OneShot.
Hibari and Tsuna for ever! 3
Junketsu chapter 1 . 7/29/2012
That. creeped. the shit out of me. xD Ffff, that was wonderful. I absolutely love it.
QueenOfOblivion chapter 1 . 4/21/2012
I swear that I will never let my boyfriend plan our next valentine day at any unsuspecting inn... Poor tsuna... Anyway, great job for a one shot! Luv it! Please keep up the good work for I will wait patiently for the next one! :)
The Lone Empress of Hell chapter 1 . 3/30/2012
SHet! that gave me the creeps!
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