Reviews for A Frozen Heart
MyAnimeObsession chapter 1 . 3/2
So heartbreaking, I've read all the series thrice now
snipits42 chapter 2 . 4/29/2016
Hoo I remember this fic! I read it like a day after Valentines day.. It's good fic
LuanRina chapter 2 . 4/29/2016
Ooh, I'm happy to hear there will be a sequel to this amazing tale! Just re-read both parts, and they're as wonderful and heartbreaking and touching and sad and lovely and beautiful as they were! *_*

I'm really looking forward to the sequel, dearest *nods* Do hope to get to read it soon! :D
BlueSapphire24 chapter 1 . 4/26/2016
Hello There!
I know that I am a really, really bad reviewer for taking so long after I said that I would be reading this story, but I read both of them way more than one, or twice, or thrice... heck I forgot how many times I read them.

A lot happened and you will see the explanation when I update my own.
Now to the review!
I read both one-shots and let me tell you something, if there was a way to rank the favorite authors, yours would be flying off the charts because I absolutely loved this.
As you said, it is your masterpiece.
I always loved your writing style and this one in particular got me bad.
There is soo much potential for this story. Thank you soo much for dedicating that much of your time writing it. The hard work is obvious and appreciated XD
Lucifer66 chapter 1 . 11/3/2015
I love your story so much hope you continue writing more
Phantomhive422 chapter 1 . 5/19/2015
I read both stories, and I successfully held back my tears. I hope Yuki does set that tower on fire, then Zero can doe and be free from Kaname's confinement and torture. I hope Kaname comes back to Zero dying and sees his smiling face as the bond disappears during his final moments of life. Zero reaches out, seeing Ichiru, his parents and Kaito reaching out for him as he is freed into the bright light until his arm finally falls and his amethyst orbs close for the last time, a contented smile on his face when he reunites with all the people he loved and cared about, far far away from the pain he endured.
jeesh this story was good, haunting, dark... I loved it. I loved holding back my tears out of sympathy for Zero. I even felt bad for Yuki and Zander!
SugaWife chapter 1 . 3/22/2015
(Tears), Oh My God...what were you thinking when writing this...this is super depressing...I mean its good and all but it put me in tears immediately... I really want to know what was on your mind...was it something like ' oh I want Zero to go through so much pain and Yuuki to ( don't have a problem with Yuuki in pain) and I want Kaname to seem like an obsessed sicko'...for goodness sake's my tears want stop falling!
bobbycoolya chapter 1 . 12/4/2014
aww why did u do that to zero GRR UR SO MEAN
tygereyeofthedead chapter 1 . 9/7/2014
You need to write a follow up to this. One were Zero dies because Yuuki killed Kaname and both Zero and Kaname die. Then Zero and Kaname meet in purgatory/heaven they decide to be reborn and truly love each other like they could have, and Kaname sheds his darkness and transcends to become the perfect lover for Zero and Zero is able to except Kaname's love and affection. Oh and they should be born pureblood fraternal twins! Oh just purebloods in general.
sssweety chapter 1 . 6/16/2014
Okayyyy... please tell me you're thinking to make a sequel... too good
Tora Kazen chapter 1 . 4/14/2014
UWaaahhwaahhhh *hic* :'(
Poor Zero...;n;
That was possibly a little too dark for my usual tastes... but it was great and very emotional!
It was written wonderfully and you deserve a medal for intensity and tragedy! :D
dalian.biblioprincess chapter 1 . 12/26/2013
I feel kinda LOST IN THOUGHTS ?
I like kaname is obsess but ... why ?
Zesslover chapter 1 . 12/13/2013
ghostcore88 chapter 1 . 9/27/2013
It's kind of sad and tragic.. I like how the story turns to angsty and it's kind of lame if Zero accept the fact that he was abducted by Kaname. With Zero's personality, it is only natural he wanted to escape and hate the Pureblood - though I am amazed on how you make it so tragic. I love this fic! Now I couldn't predict whether this will have a sad or a happy ending because you definitely let the story flow unpredictably ! :)) I hope my english is good.. LOL
falcone90 chapter 1 . 3/6/2013
i'm speechless after reading this...
this is just beautifully written yet frightening...the emotional n physical torture that zero have to endure and kaname possessiveness,i feel sorry for zero but somehow i don't hate kaname...haha *i feel weird*

i've gotta praise you for your ability to write angst so well (angst is just my fav,XDD). i've read most your fic but i especially love abducted, this story, tainted and passion (you just made my dream come true for that pairing to have hot moment together,XDDD)
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