Reviews for Happy Friendship Day
Guest chapter 1 . 8/22/2018
I adore unexpected friendships and pairing so this story made my day, I enjoyed it completely.
Sammiam chapter 1 . 9/11/2012
I really enjoyed this. By the way, it was season 2 Sam that I also became very fond of. He was my dream guy.
Season 3 Sam evidently lost his virginity while still having strong feelings for Mercedes, cheated with Mercedes even after he had been cheated on twice, and encouraged a boy that it was OK to want to have sex with a girl that he knew did not want to be pressured for sex.
I hope season 4 Sam redeems himself, but a little character bashing on season 3 Sam is quite understandable. I would love to ship Hevans, but really would like to see Sam clean up his act more than anything.
This is a great story with Shane and Kurt and I am so impressed that someone even thought of this and then wrote this wonderful story.
letitbelove93 chapter 1 . 5/8/2012
awwwww :) i love this friendship! why cant RIB read these kind of stories and turn them into scenes for the episodes!
idreaminklainebows chapter 1 . 3/28/2012
This is really cute. I like how you gave Shane more of a character, and adding Kurt, phenomenal. I'm gonna go listen to Le jazz hot now! great job.
clovrboy chapter 1 . 2/23/2012
Poor Shane, and poor Kurt, but I'm glad they at least were there for each other.
dreamer 3097 chapter 1 . 2/17/2012
a good one
MDemagogue chapter 1 . 2/15/2012
This series is one of those where the fandom is better, by leaps and bounds than the actual show itself.

To me, Season 3 involving Sam is sort of like the Great Gatsby. Hopefully you've read the Great Gatsby, otherwise this is lost on you. Sam as Gatsby comes back to McKinley a world wise person seeking to win back Daisy Buchanan as Mercedes. This is impeded by Shane as Tom Buchanan. Ideally what would happen is that Nick Carraway played by Kurt knocks some sense into Sam and they live happily ever after.

Thematically at least, this sort of works because the show has dealt with the idea that you can't cross the same river twice, that people can change and move past 'summer flings'. Sam, in spite of his new found world wisdom, can't see past this, and it makes for some interesting character development on his part. I am 100% confident that's not going to happen on Glee though because the show sucks.

So, oddly enough, this story kind of conforms to my sort of canon for what I think Season 3 could be. Even though Tom is a doucher in Gatsby, he's not, to me the villain. It's Daisy, her indecision, her callous thoughtlessness that hurts her husband, and Gatsby in the process. Certainly, there's a significant segment out there that probably disagrees with my interpretation of a seminal piece of 20th century American Literature, but I'm a Kummer, we're used to being in the minority.