Reviews for The Woman in Me Part 1: Red Fantasy
Ottree chapter 19 . 3/15/2018
Fantastic, well worthy of its place in my top five Spunkyones amazing stories.
GanymedeLullaby chapter 12 . 1/30/2018
I really feel for Renji. He was scarred deeply and it'll take time for him to deal with what he's been through already and a new situation on top isn't helping. I wanna hug him!
GanymedeLullaby chapter 9 . 1/30/2018
Kisuke is brilliant. I honestly think he's just so cool and amazing with a great personality. I'm really glad you've added him to the mix. He's the best person to help out Renji. Ah, Byakuya made his confession.
GanymedeLullaby chapter 8 . 1/30/2018
I have to say I'm a pretty big Byakuya and Renji fan. I'm eating this up. Its kind of like a love triangle except for Renji and Wren are two halves of a whole. Its actually pretty awesome how Renji feels what Wren does. And Byakuya is conflicted with his feelings.
Esbilick The Dragon chapter 19 . 11/5/2015
I liked this a whole bunch Spunky! Very funny!
kenni-bun bun chapter 1 . 6/17/2015
OK I love this. At the end I thought it was wren again. But a female byakuya and senbon, priceless.
Guest chapter 19 . 5/22/2015
AWESOME! I love this and now to read the second part.
NaoyukiKuchiki chapter 19 . 9/17/2014
Walkure Leuad chapter 19 . 9/1/2014
2 months later I catch up on this.

Thanks so much for the birthday gift and indulging me in my crazy plots ideas.

This story was just awesome and I look forward for the sequel!
Spunky chapter 19 . 8/24/2014
To the 'guest' who used the review system to 'flame' this story, I wanted to give you the details on why I deleted your posted comments. Unfortunately, because you chose to remain anonymous so that you could bash on my work publicly while hiding in anonymity yourself, this seemed the only way to do so. First, you complained (between foul words, of course) that the story 'wasn't really Bya/Ren,' and shouldn't have been labeled that way. Well, here's the scoop. At the time I started the story, the 'OC' option wasn't even available, so I COULDN'T have labeled it that way on the filter. Yes, I didn't go back and fix it BECAUSE I WROTE IN BLACK AND WHITE IN THE STORY DESCRIPTION, "BYA/FEM RENJI AND BYA/REN' which the story very clearly is, from start to finish. Part of the problem is that you obviously did not read the story description and the other part is that you are not understanding the meaning of Bya/Ren love.

What do I mean, you ask?

Here's what I mean. You very obviously came to the story looking for Bya/Ren SEX SCENES, which is a different kind of story than what I write. The Bya/Ren ROMANCE in this story is present all throughout the story and shows the progression of Byakuya's emotions as he goes from thinking of Renji as his 'friend and comrade' to admitting to himself and finally to Renji that he has romantic feelings about him. Renji's 'feminine side' in the story is still a part of Renji, so IS NOT AN OC. The personality, heart, conscience and spirit are all the same, but Renji's fem side is actually the part of him that speaks to him from within and acts as a guide. When he loses that inner compass, he has a very difficult time dealing with his feelings about Byakuya. The point of the story isn't 'When are they going to start having steamy sex?' it's 'When is Byakuya going to realize that he loves Renji and when will Renji realize and be able to respond to his love?' It's not a problem that will be resolved quickly, but is an emotional journey.
Maybe you aren't looking for stories of substance, and if that's the case, please don't read. But absolutely don't pour your obscenity laced garbage all over my work that took over a year to complete and that a large number of readers (who actually read the description) had great things to say about it. If you were really reviewing to either praise or make constructive suggestions about the story, I wouldn't have moderated the reviews. I do leave up some unfavorable reviews, because I get insight from the ones where folks really thought about the story and reflected intelligently. You need to think about why you were so venomous with me when your main criticism is completely wrong in the first place. If you want to think and review thoughtfully, I don't have a problem with it, but being foul-mouthed and rude will get your reviews moderated.
Tomyallen chapter 19 . 7/3/2014
This needs to be in two parts. First The last few chapters...thank heavens Renji finally realized what's good for him. Damn stubborn bullheaded man was making me shake my head in frustration. I'm so happy him and Byakuya are finally together. And the whole child birth thing was amazing!

Second...ah hell! We can't just give these guys a happy ending now can we Spunky0ne? It has to be twisted in some way...throw some confusion, angst, or disasters in there and then it will all be complete...oh an lets not forget the Cliff hanger because it's not a Spunky story without one.

Well done though. Loved the whole concept of the story and how you touched on some of the more raw emotions in this story. Looking forward to the next part and watching as Renji and Byakuya find a way through the next obstacles they need to face.
Tomyallen chapter 12 . 6/29/2014
SO i had to go way back to find where I left off...and damn. I left off right where the bad stuff was happening. Renji is a silly fool...the love Bya has for him is so clear and yet he can't get past his own emotional scars. This man better 'man up' soon.

Awesome chapter though! I loved all the emotion in it, and now I'm racing off to the next chapter so I can finish and move on to part two.
hieizzz chapter 19 . 6/28/2014
Oh my goodness! I can not wait till the next segment! I am looking forward to it so much! This chapter was soo beautiful the love between renji and byakuya was so very well written
phAnt0mgh0st7018 chapter 19 . 6/27/2014
Oh yes Spunky, THAT CLIFFIE WAS JUST CRUEL! But all the same, the birthing was kind of funny xD But the question Renji asks in the end has buzzed more questions for us readers, Who the heck is the man?! xDDD Nice work, I'm looking forward to the sequel! :))
kyuumihaira chapter 19 . 6/26/2014
Oh my god! Did what just think happen, just happen!
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