Reviews for Play Your Cards Right
sanjee-chan chapter 1 . 8/31/2016

I FAILED. AND I LOVE MEGAMIND SO THAT'S FINE. (That has absolutely no relation watsoever to what I just said but just imagine that it did.)

And I wanna go in depth and write you a ton of paragraphs that may somehow express my adoration and love for this. BUT I CAN'T BECAUSE MY MIND IS HAVING WAY TOO MUCH BACKGROUND NOISE OF ME FANGIRLING AND ALL THE SWOONING IS TERRIBLE (in a good way) AND I CAN'T CONCENTRATE ON ANY DETAIL.

OOhkay, maybe I over exaggerated on the "I can't concentrate on any detail". Mostly because my eyes strayed up and I saw the last line and I remember that Megamind just made up that stupid (yet lovely) poem about Roxanne's butt. AND I LAUGHED. SO HARD. (Actually, I laughed a lot while I read the story but you get the point, right?) AGAIN. While writing this review.

Soooo, I'll just end this review on this slightly (is it?) awkward note.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/4/2013
caray quien dice que el amor debe ser planeado
Ja ne Kat chapter 1 . 5/5/2013
Ahh fluff. i love fluff. very cute hon. and everyone should have a boyfriend like that, really good ones try though.
MntlCaSe chapter 1 . 9/5/2012
Cupcakes to everyone else, who was thinking 'Would you just ask her already, you blue, cowardly cheeseball?!' Yeah.. what can I say? Made me late for work this morning, because I just couldn't stop xD
So sweet, and honestly, what girl could actually resist an engagement-bot combined with a poem like that?

As always, your writing is excellent! I really don't know how you do it, but reading your stories is like watching the movie continue in my head and I can't get enough :D

This made me smile all day long. Thank you!
Spunkalovely chapter 1 . 7/15/2012
Ahh! I love this! :D
Vast Difference chapter 1 . 7/2/2012
So I'm pretty sure this is like the 3rd time I've read this story... but it's just so darn adorable, who could resist multiple reads?
BookWormGirl93 chapter 1 . 5/7/2012
That was so good! So cute and romantic! I even cried a little! haha but it didn't help that I was listening to A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. Soooooo good! XD
Max Evelyn chapter 1 . 3/25/2012
Oh this was really amazing XD wish I Gould it sooner.
Phenixia Sama chapter 1 . 3/17/2012
It was so cute and fluffy! It was really fun to read! I like the way you use and explore the inner emotions, thinking and psychology of each characters. It could easily fit in your "Filigree" universe!
OrangeAfterglow chapter 1 . 3/14/2012
15 minutes fast? BAAAAHAHAhahahahaaaaaaa! Tht must be the corniest line I have ever heard! Oh gosh I can SO imagine him coming out with something like that! Poor guy! lol

This is so fluffy I can hardly breath! fantastic!
EvilCassy chapter 1 . 3/2/2012
Awwww! Soo Cute! I simply love this story, and you are a really good writer!
SilverGodFanGirl chapter 1 . 2/23/2012
Oh sweetie, you've done it again! You capture their true selves like no one else; the bravado, the uncertainty, the complete hard-earned adoration. You always find a way to add in those little details no one else could possibly think of ("Anniversaries… wow... and holidays… and your birthday…"). They just suck you in and put you there like you're a fly on the wall. I have most definitely never seen any holiday fic like yours ma'am!

The ending has to be one of my favorites ever. Also, the poem was just genius, and had me rolling as well. :D
RogerDavis93 chapter 1 . 2/22/2012
Aha that poem was amazing, I was cracking up :P

And that line near the end may be the best chat up line ever pmsl

Yeah so anyway I really enjoyed this story _
ribstonesV9 chapter 1 . 2/19/2012
O my gosh,this just might be the most fluffiest,most beautiful,romantic fic yet.I seriously love how you kept them all in character and everything else well just perfect!I mean just thinking about this picture in my head just gives me the chills,perfect just perfect KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK
Oogy Boogy chapter 1 . 2/19/2012
D'awww, that was the cutest fluffiest thing ever! I don't even like valentine's day, I agree with Megs's thoughts about cliches and having to do things a particular way to be "romantic" when the best way to do something is always personal and at the best time for you. I would rather have a wonderful night at home than all that spectacular stuff he was talking about :) what a guy. His nervousness and Roxanne's gentle eager encouragement were perfect. I love your writing so much!
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