Reviews for Playing Pretend
Amanda chapter 1 . 4/28/2013
Gaaah! This was just AMAZING! This is probably the best HirotoXMidorikawa fic ever! Could you please try to make some more? This was off the hook!
Thank you for writing this. It really made my day!
sparkey-229 chapter 1 . 3/12/2013
OH my god this is the most amazing smut scene EVER where the hell did you learnt to wright like that! tell me so i can go learn how to wright like that! TEACH ME MASTER
shiroi white-phoenix chapter 1 . 8/22/2012
Wow... I can't imagine Midorikawa turned to Reize even he wasn't an alien anymore. OAO And, Hiroto? Did you turned back to Gran? Mah, I know I weirdo but good job, great! Keep doing the good work! :D
Ningyoplug chapter 1 . 6/21/2012
Oh my gah, this is your first lemon? It's AMAZING. And I really loved how, for once, Midorikawa took the lead. Reize!Midorikawa is the best to me, and Gran!Hiroto was very interesting to see "in action" too! XD You described everything perfectly, I saw lube and I saw no grammatical mistakes. So how could I not adore this? - My review is short, and I'm sorry for this, but I'm not good at reviews ;v; whatever. Good job!
Sweet-Cool-Twins chapter 1 . 2/22/2012
I was looking for this for so long and here it is! In the M section! Ow... They are together! High school! Yayyyyy! I love this! They are so like a couple! Why didn't I read this earlier! Should have! Should have! Please upload more! You made my life happy! Really! I have to stop half way just to scream! Like all other Burn x Gazelle M stories by Vera-san.
Vera The Awesome chapter 1 . 2/21/2012
O-oh my gosh, this is such a wonderful surprise! I was just checking for updates when I saw my name in the summary, and when when I read it was a lemon, I liked it even more! XD /shot I think I read through this thing with a goofy smile on my face from beginning to end!

I honestly have to say I love everything about this fic. I am amazed by how creative you are in describing your scenes, and the backgrounds behind Hiroto and Midorikawa, including their cat, added so much more to the story. I never once thought of a plot like this, but I truly adore it, it's so cute and exciting at the same time. XD And you exploited it brilliantly! I'm jealous of how you wrote the sex scene, I'm sure I could never pull it off so well. To be honest, it was also a bit hard for me to imagine these two making love before, but the way you did it, it makes total sense! *claps*

There's really not much for me to critique on, aside from the much-used "then" (in a "[first action] then [second action] context). But really, if that's your writing style and you're happy with it, who am I to judge that? Oh, and I forgot to say, I love how you depicted these two. Midorikawa was much more assertive than how you usually write him, and I really like that! It was a pleasant surprise to see he took the lead for once (in general, not compared to just what you write). XD And still, both he and Hiroto were wonderfully in-character. Oh, and I don't mean to say I dislike how you generally depict Midorikawa; both ways are very cute and charismatic! .

I have to thank you a thousand times for writing this piece. I'd honestly never expected such a beautiful, beautiful story to be written for me by the talented Garfakcy-chan. It seriously made my day, it made me so happy; it just means a lot you put your time and effort into a story for me. And I can honestly tell you I love it to bits, all of it. Thank you, so, so much! /SUPER-GLOMP! And I'll definitely write you something back for /your/ birthday! .-
Birdincage2903 chapter 1 . 2/21/2012
THAT. WAS. SUPER. HOT! Your first time? You must be lying! That fic read like you have written tons of them! It was so sexy, I almost died out of a nosebleed! I laughed out loud with the part Hiroto getting smacked by our Midori-chan. I love the Reize side of Midorichan, so naughty and tough at the same time. The way he was in charge was so creative and exciting, I was jumping up and down and grinning non-stop! And Hiroto... oh Hiroto, when he took bach his dominant position, I squealed like a maniac! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH for making this fic!
Ano chapter 1 . 2/21/2012
Massive nosebleed here :P I enjoyed reading this story. Are you sure this is your first lemon? It was written professional :)
iloveyourstory chapter 1 . 2/20/2012
You wrote your first lemon very well. Everything was hot and VERY sexy. I'm really happy to see writers like you, who can write serious, sad, happy, funny, and sexy fics do well! One of the only writers other than you that I know can do that is your friend Vera The Awesome! I love all your fics, along with all of hers. Keep writing! You rock! :D
iloveyourstory chapter 1 . 2/20/2012
Wow. WOW. That was... EPIC. So hot! HiroMido 4eva! I love Midorikawa going all Reize on Hiroto, I was blushing & giggling through the whole thing. Great work! You ALWAYS write amazing stories! You got me hooked from the time you wrote 'Comfort'! That was so sweet and funny. You are an extremely talented writer & I hope to keep seeing your fics over the net! 3 keep being awesome!