Reviews for The Foundations of a Man
SilentAttendance chapter 9 . 3/24/2018
I think Harry would pick A, maybe change his choice later if he discovers the wizard's motives.
Harry wouldn't pick B immediately because if he ran away, who would he alert and where would he go? He can't go back to Bathilda since he'd need the money to take the taxi/bus.
C WOULD work if Harry confirmed that the Dursleys are all well and fine (but then question would be if the wizard is just about to enter and kill them, or if the wizard means no harm. Even with the Dursleys' safety confirmed, it would be logical to wait and see what the wizard does)
Definitely not D. If the wizard is hostile and managed to take down Vernon Dursley, Harry would probably lose against him. (When Harry finds out, the best choice'd be B.) If the wizard isn't hostile, he'll probably still successfully defend himself with spellz (Protego lol), and Harry wouldn't achieve much. D also involves drawing attention to himself, and I think Harry would really want to avoid the attention of a possibly-hostile magic-performing dude. Especially as he doesn't know much about how magic works yet (unless he read about it in Bathilda's books)
Hope you update this story sometime. :))
chisscientist chapter 9 . 5/12/2015
I'd probably pick a, but I'm not Harry. How about c?
indanthrene-gecko chapter 9 . 10/24/2014
Is it Remus Lupin? Or is it Andromeda Tonks?
Prie chapter 5 . 10/14/2014
You should really try to add more detail. These appear more as fic'let's rather than chapters.
Nanettez chapter 9 . 10/14/2014
RE your comments at the start.
So you are another Rita Skeeter follower who will blame Dumbledore for everything that happens with Harry. Of course he has nothing else to do than sit around seeing how he can make Harry’s life harder.
Man of Constant Sorrow chapter 8 . 9/7/2014
I was thinking perhaps Harry could meet Hermione earlier than in Canon and they could be each others first friends, perhaps on a camping trip to the forest of Dean where Harry is invited along, they encounter another girl camping with her mother and father who are searching for some magical creatures, and befriend Luna and because they befriend her and Harry and Hermione are visiting the Rookery on the day of Luna's mothers experiment, they are able to save her where Luna alone was unable.

just a thought

Thanks so much for sharing, I eagerly await your next. favorited

I love the interactive idea behind the story.
Lord Darth Yoda chapter 8 . 8/11/2014
A very interesting story, I like where there is going so far. A couple questions though, if dumbledore and the Ministry had Harry watched even before he got his letter shouldn't they have known he was at GsH? That's why when you said cat I instantly assumed Dumbledore and had sent McGonagall after Harry. Alas, while a fun idea this takes place during the school year so she'd be be busy.
On the Sorting Hat thing, didn't JKR say that was more due to having Moldyvorts soul in him than anything?
As for the next chapter I'd say d). He had a history of hiding things well in the booked and this one makes the most sense to me.
Kairan1979 chapter 8 . 8/11/2014
Thanks for the chapter.
I hope Harry isn't going to abandon the plan to curse Dursleys into submission somewhere in the future (as long as he finds a way around Underage Magic laws). It's the least they deserved.
FatesShadow83 chapter 8 . 8/10/2014
Great chapter!
Kairan1979 chapter 7 . 8/2/2014
I agree that Harry's heroism is partially result of Durseleys' abuse (if you tell the person her is worthless freak long enough, he'll start believing it), partially becase of Dumbles' manipulations. Children shouldn't fight trolls, Basilisks and Dark Wizards, but nobody bothered to tell this to Harry (and when Molly tried in the OotP, he was already in the thick of things, and her attempt to shield him were simply too late).
Nanettez chapter 7 . 8/1/2014
I would like to know how he made the connection to Sirius Black.
Nanettez chapter 6 . 8/1/2014
It's possible the hat also sorts depending on what you value most- that would explain a lot, although that would suggest canon Harry secretly valued ambition and cunning at that point..
By what I remember, Harry had asked not to go into Slytherin before the hat mentioned any particular house. It could have been having him on. Also, the hat could have seen the part of LV’s soul in him.
I also think a little ambition and cunning would be quite normal in any boy that age. The houses overlap anyway. Some think Hufflepuff are a weak house and they value hard work and loyalty. Who would work hard without ambition unless they had to? Harry had to work hard for the Dursleys but had no reason to be loyal to them. He would not have been safe in Slytherin with all the death eater’s children and I think the hat would know that. As for Revenclaw, Harry did not have the background to be with the more intellectual students. If he had grown up in a good home it would be different.
dianaanne chapter 7 . 8/1/2014
Two years, huh . Glad you are updating now. Hooe you do write more soon. Interested to see what Harry will do.
Nanettez chapter 1 . 8/1/2014
I am glad this is not another story about major physical abuse.
Guest chapter 6 . 1/23/2013
I noticed in your first chapter that you said reviews could suggest story events, so long as they weren't Mary Sues (thank goodness). If that is the case, could you maybe throw in a ginger cat named Chicanery? It's evil, but I'm fond of it all the same.
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