Reviews for till we both stop existing
Hpdwlotr24 chapter 1 . 1/5/2014
Dang it! Your stories keep making me cry! Bravo though, they're very well-written
pitterpatterpat chapter 1 . 11/8/2012
jaimewriteswords chapter 1 . 7/18/2012
So brilliant! Ah, I got chills! Eleven/River is such a fantastic pairing, and you captured them so well, especially amidst all of the timey-wimeyness of The Big Bang. Absolutely wonderful!
frosken chapter 1 . 3/5/2012
This was as beautiful, heartbreaking and confusing as i wish they could've portrayed them on the show. Absolutely stunning. You deserve more reviews!
MidnightIndigo chapter 1 . 2/26/2012
This was such an incredible story—I loved it because I've always wondered what would've happened to River when the Doctor hadn't existed because his existence shaped hers. Really spectacular.

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zoe alice chapter 1 . 2/23/2012
It's never been so clear to me why I dislike(d) River but adore everything by you. The River you write isn't the over-fangirled, obsessive, self-centered always-three-steps-ahead-of-the-Doctor-in-high-heels, sexy River who bothers me. (All right, she's still sexy.) Your River is what Steven Moffat has been aiming for but I've been quite blind to, who is so, so broken inside. I mean, I still have problems with her, but you've opened my eyes in many ways - which is one purpose of fanfiction, after all.

I just looked back over this comment and realized it's not exactly... tactful? That really wasn't meant to be River-bashing. The whole point is that I don't see her that way ANYMORE usually. If I've offended you, I'm terribly sorry, I didn't... *sigh* I love this, okay. I love it.
grumpyjenn chapter 1 . 2/23/2012
Madis, you kill me. I love this story, even more than some of your others, (and that's going some). It's timey wimey and perfect.
wewerethebestrichard chapter 1 . 2/22/2012
Oh my gosh! Another BEAUTIFUL fic from you!

I was confused, at first, but about halfway through I got what was going on and it was wonderful. Such a good idea, well done viewpoint, and, as usual, your daring and jumbled sentences spelled perfection.

"River, I'll have you know that Time Lords do not get conniptions. We are blissfully conniption free."

- Made me laugh out loud.

Thank you!
Snowy Ashes chapter 1 . 2/22/2012
Oh, River...

*sigh* Once again, so, so beautiful. You are amazing. :)))

Vilinye chapter 1 . 2/22/2012
That made me of course she'd be fading there, fading just like him, until...sniff!
lsightly so chapter 1 . 2/22/2012
what a crazy lovely brilliant life river leads...

I liked this, I read it twice but it still makes sense, I could tell it was the wedding area.

"why is everything always collapsing"
Kerjen chapter 1 . 2/22/2012
Wonderful! You do a fantastic job of how the different timelines are running through her mind as she becomes the catalyst to Amy bringing the Doctor back. And your word use is really good: "It had brilliant words, words that could change galaxies, disrupt governments, topple gods. It held so many, many secrets. Spoilers." Beautiful job.