Reviews for Sweetie Pie's Bakery
Marie1664 chapter 12 . 4/4
Are you kidding? Did Jess really steal her keys? Oh my god i love this.
Lone Enigma chapter 58 . 4/14/2018
Wow, this has been an amazing well written emotional adventure. The back of my throat is aching while I'm writing this because of Jess and Brittany's goodbye.
Reading this story has been such a joy. I love how you wrote these characters. Seeing them grow throughout the chapters has been something short of magical, but still very much believable.
Thank you for the laughs, the tears and the lessons that are hidden in these words of yours.
TTshorty33 chapter 59 . 7/17/2016
Omg there better have been a sequel. fucking jess... poor britts. overall great story though.
TTshorty33 chapter 47 . 7/15/2016
gracious bitch lmao
bproofmgmt chapter 13 . 11/8/2015
update soon, i love this story, thanks!
bproofmgmt chapter 6 . 11/6/2015
thanks for the update!
respect-toberesptected chapter 1 . 12/8/2014
Sooooo i actually read all your stories in 3 days. I didn't sleep and got into a fight with my now ex girlfriend,but it sounds mean butt was WORTH IT! You write perfectly, I cried I hatted Santana and them I loved her again, I hatted lily and then hatted her again. I am just WOW! I have read a lot of fanfic's but your stories are by far I'm my top 10. So thank you, and I really hope you post soon, well after I sleep for about a week (sorry Im rambling) but still pleaseeeeee post soon. (Big pout)
Thank you
Quinntana Ever After chapter 17 . 11/20/2014
Outrageous Fortune IS the best movie ever. Scary how we're matching everything.

Sexy chapter. Very well written.
Infinii chapter 12 . 11/18/2014
LOL. Yeee Jess for stealing Quinn's keys ahhaaha.
Infinii chapter 8 . 11/18/2014
Nice Britt aha. Sneaky sneaky. Awesome wingwoman yo.
pojihuv chapter 3 . 11/11/2014
your grammar is terrible. wtf? don't write!
Eedjil chapter 58 . 8/31/2014

first of all I want to apologize to the mistakes that I may make because my English is far from being perfect as I'm French. I'm also sorry that I haven't reviewed this story yet but to be honest, I discovered your story only a few days ago and I just couldn't stop reading it. I was kind of obsessive about it because it's just awesome.

I'll probably forget half of it but I'll try to tell you what I loved about it.

To begin with, I love the tone of your story, your style is very flowing and it is very pleasant to read. I have to admit that I hardly ever read stories in English because it requires a lot of my attention and the stories that are worth that kind of attention are pretty rare. But clearly this one is an exception!

I also love your plot, often with unexpected developments. But most of all, it is just honest and believable. Love stories aren't going too fast, your characters make mistakes. In short words, they just are not perfect and that's exactly why I love them. I was truly moved by Quinn's coming out and the way she managed to get over her parents' rejection.

But the thing that I enjoyed the most is certainly Brittany and Jess's relationship. They are just great together. To me, you didn't just invent Jess but also Brittany. Indeed, yours cannot be compared to Glee's character. Your Brittany is a lot more funnier, intelligent, sensitive, compared to Brittany in Glee who used to be funny but so inconsistent. And Jess... I simply adore her, she is so funny and sly that I have totally a crush on an imaginary character ;) but I wondered how you imagine her physically (do you have an actress or something in mind ?).

Even though I'm pretty sure I forgot half of the stuffs that I wanted to tell you in this review, I will end it by thanking you. That was really a great moment reading your story and I enjoyed it very much. I hope you are going to read this review, but I assume you are as it seems that you ended it not so long ago. I'm sorry if I totally rambled! Thank you again, I can't wait to read the sequel (which I will probably start tomorrow)

860490 chapter 13 . 8/25/2014
I was impressed by Quinn's notes OMG So CUTE go run and tell her Santana!
860490 chapter 12 . 8/22/2014
OMG JESS! Three girls are just so genius lol
I'm so excited San and Quinn finally made a development haha
and your realistic slow progress in their love makes this fiction more interesting
I'm going to next chapter yey
860490 chapter 11 . 8/21/2014
I was actually laughing when Quinntana said two-fingers thing. It's VERY hilarious as hell lol I LOVE IT
You must be a genius humorous person love ya!
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