Reviews for A Moment Alone, A Lifetime to Love
Bella chapter 1 . 7/9
Vegata... gah... The fact that Vegeta in the manga/anime had to search and dig for his demons, face them, embrace them, explore his darkest places, hit rock bottom fooling himself into thinking that this was the only way for him to lead his life... He was the realest character in the Dragon Ball universe. When he said "But perhaps it is my anger that has made me blind to the truth", when he snapped out of his thirst for power in the Majin bu saga, I think this was the most significant moment for him and definitely a turning point regarding his stance as a warrior. Remember how he asked Piccolo what kind of Afterlife he will have after making this sacrifice and Piccolo said that he had committed only selfish deeds so he couldn't hope for much, while Piccolo thought it would be hard news for Vegeta to digest, Vegeta still accepted this narrative, he would meet his end controlling his own fate and dying for the people he holds dear, leaving smiling. When Vegeta admitted Goku 'to be the best', it was his personal breakthrough, he judged Kakarrot's soul to be better than his, he ended up questioning and reforming his own approach of life, of battle, of his Saiyan origins... Most people think that if you're a fan of vegeta you're just going for the underdog but the truth is Vegeta is the most relatable character of them all, and is truly an inspiration. He is the fallen Prince, he could've had it all, he tasted it, for a while... But imagine the TREMENDOUS LOSS, after his race experienced genocide, then him being enslaved. To put it bluntly his life fucked him up, he was a victim of his environment, Vegeta was never truly bloodthirsty it's just the way he grew up as a slave, an orphan, while Goku "may have been selfless protecting others", this choice of life was Vegeta's only copying mechanism to the atrocities. HIS LIFE put him through, he did not have the same luxury as Goku, how can Dragon Ball demand of him selflessness when the only way for him to survive was to look after himself, and himself only? He held onto his title, the legend because this was his only drive. So imagine the Dragon Ball fandom antagonizing him for the fact that by all right he could claim these abilities just the same as Goku? If not more legitimately? Frieza destroyed his life, a royalty and heir to a non existent planet and lost people? Instilled paranoia in him? Fear? which is why although he had a family of his own, he could never truly settle. The shadow of his past looming over his existence, it was the pent up frustration, the grief, the misery he went through, his senses blocked him from achieving and building a life of his own because he was blinded by anger, the only way for him to get a better life and gain more power was to get rid of that bitterness and anger, the only way for him to move on was by making that ultimate sacrifice. And you know what that ultimate sacrifice meant?
It meant reclaiming his freedom AT LAST, to kill the shadow of Frieza, to accept his death on Namek,to accept his lost race,to accept that he will never be Goku,to accept that he didn't have the chance to be gifted the same life as Goku which ultimately will stop the endless comparisons and senseless competition.
Vegeta is by far one of the most human character in an anime/manga and my heart aches thinking of his story, we go years and years accumulating resentment, comparing ourselves to others, berating ourselves for things out of our control, we never truly realize that the key to moving on lies in the acceptance of our fate or how our stars are aligned, even when it does us disfavor, the acceptance of some of our most disgraceful moment, the key to moving on resides in shedding light over our darkest parts
Scissors Dolphin chapter 36 . 2/28/2018
Holy shit this is dumb. I guess I should have expected a dumbass conflict at the end that doesn't get resolved lol.
Scissors Dolphin chapter 34 . 2/28/2018
Holy crap. Another bullshit fight that made no sense?

There are no substance to this story. It's all mindless drawl.

Seriously. This is 3 times the length of some of the most classic novels, and what has happened?

They cured a disease.

There was 20 repetitions of:

"Oh he doesn't like me. I'm not gonna talk with him. We can't be together. WAHH ANGST. Ok, I like him now."

None of these conflicts are different. They don't mean anything. Seriously, there are no character developments. These are not characters that has fallen in love. You can take this chapter, put it in the 5th chapter, and it would still have fit.

Substance is not about mindlessly rehashing the same retarded conflict every chapter. That is what mindless drawl is. This whole thing could have been 10 chapters if you cut out the mindless drawl.
Scissors Dolphin chapter 32 . 2/28/2018
Holy shit. More dumbass tension? Holy, it's one dumb thing after another after another.

It becomes stupid. The first tension was pretty dumb. The second one was dumber. After 10 of them, you are just beating a dead horse.

Like seriously. There are no progress if you keep putting in dumb conflicts.
Scissors Dolphin chapter 26 . 2/28/2018
Bulma: Waah, he doesn't love me. He can't love me. Shut up.

Oh I hate him. I don't love furto. Oh I love him now. Solved.

When did everyone became love counsellors?
Scissors Dolphin chapter 25 . 2/28/2018
What the fuck is happening? They just randomly had sex for no reason. Why is Bulma is dying?

Does this have a consistent plot?
Scissors Dolphin chapter 24 . 2/27/2018
What the fuck? Is this a joke?

Oh yes, vegeta is now a love counsellor, and actually listens to a random person threatening him or telling him how to love. Oh yes, he is gonna go to another planet to solve a random person's dumbass love problem with a dumbass princess.

Dude, if you are gonna tell a story that doesn't have Vegeta in it, don't put Vegeta in it. This isn't a story about bulma and vegeta. It's about 2 horny teenagers in space.
Scissors Dolphin chapter 22 . 2/27/2018
What the fuck is this bullshit? Is this really your idea of a romance? It's insulting and makes me want to facepalm.

Yes, just have vegeta attack a random person for no reason. And what is the idea Bulma has? Oh yes, pretend not to care about vegeta, go to someone else's bed. What are they? In middle school?

And what the fuck was vegeta on about? And what the fuck was bulma on about. Oh he must declare his undying love and bullshit. I'm convinced that this is a middle school romance now.
Scissors Dolphin chapter 20 . 2/27/2018
The fuck is up with these shitty characters? Are these some shitty Rom Com characters that angst their way through their life? Are these Ribranne and Co who screams LOVE LOVE LOVE all the time?

Did Bulma just decide to randomly bed a guy she met? Yet she refuses to deal with vegeta because "waaah wahhh love love can't say it".

Also, we don't care about a badly written backstory of a throwaway OC. We just met him. You are worldbuilding on the fly, and explaining things that are irrelevant and things that we don't care about.

And please be more mature in the A/N
Scissors Dolphin chapter 14 . 2/27/2018
What happened to consistent characters? Bulma saw Vegeta doing a lot of things for her, then she says he never does anything good?

Then she suddenly yells for no reason? What happened?
Scissors Dolphin chapter 12 . 2/27/2018
1) Show; don't tell. The history lesson on a fake planet is boring and dumb.

2) The trope of a really rare cure that is always not there is getting really old.
Scissors Dolphin chapter 11 . 2/27/2018
1) Please do away with the new senseless language.

2) Don't put in random author notes to explain crap inside the story. If the story doesn't explain things properly, you need to rewrite it.
AngelGemma chapter 36 . 7/12/2017
OH MY GOD! That was absolutely amazing!
Guest chapter 36 . 1/11/2016
Guest chapter 36 . 1/11/2016
Nice but sad
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