Reviews for Everything's On Fire
Isa Yodice12 chapter 1 . 7/26
this was such an amazing story! I NEVER could have imagined this scenario!
tiggerdavis1970 chapter 1 . 7/22/2016
That was amazing! It was so perfect! I loved this story. This pairing is so perfect. I wish there were more stories.
Elena Shadow Wolf chapter 1 . 5/14/2015
This needs a sequel badly
M206 chapter 1 . 8/12/2013
Fj90 chapter 1 . 9/17/2012
Maya chapter 1 . 9/8/2012
i just say wow to that it was really amazing and hot too
aina.akkarin chapter 1 . 7/12/2012
Well writtem, nice plot :)
you should definitely write more stories like this one...
WILLCHEL chapter 1 . 5/10/2012
ToQuinnWithLove chapter 1 . 4/28/2012
This was so good i absolutely loved it. Perfect characterization! You're a really great writer, keep it up :)

DoubleBubble96 chapter 1 . 3/25/2012
This was a really great one shot and I enjoyed reading it from start to finish. It had me laughing but also interested in the plot. It was realastic and true to character. I hope you plan on writing more one shots because this was a job well done!
Elle Loves Glee chapter 1 . 3/2/2012
Hi! I really enjoyed this! Great job writing Schueberry! I love this pairing. Hope you will write more one shots of them in the future! You wrote them both amazingly, as two people and then the two of them together! Awesome story!
Coconutters chapter 1 . 3/1/2012
"Is now the time to tell you that I get Claustrophobic in dark spaces?" Made me LoL!

Also, when she blamed him for being stuck and he argued back at her was amusing to me.

I'm kinda confused on why you keep switching from "Mr. Schuester" to "Will." Especially after things get heated. In the beginning I can see him being "Mr. Schuester" but when things grow more 'fiery' (pun intended) maybe stick with just calling him Will.

"You might want to fix your buttons up." I laughed so hard I almost peed myself.

I really loved this one shot. Haad the perfect mix of heat and resistance and the giving in moment was perfect. Great job lady friend!
hopelessandhelpless chapter 1 . 3/1/2012
You, my friend, have done it again! Haha. This is just too good to come with the proper words to explain how much I enjoyed reading it as my cup of coffee was left on the side only to get cold... and I never neglect my coffee!

I simply loved how realistic you were and how much the two characters allowed themselves to express and explore. Also, elevator sex? AMAZING!

That said, I would love to know more about ther post-competition talk!

GREAT job!
BoNeS-FaN91 chapter 1 . 2/29/2012
This was like one of the best fics I've read! It was brilliant! You had me from the beginning all the way to the end. I should have been working on my essay but you completely captured my attention! There was a great balance of everything needed. :) Excellent writing!
Wilchel4ever chapter 1 . 2/29/2012
So good! I could definitely see this developing into a multi-chapter fanfic. Just sayin'. :)
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