Reviews for Past Indiscretions
waitingforAslan chapter 8 . 4/6/2017
"That ghost of tenderness that isn't even a memory" - heartbreaking. Such intensity of emotion in your story. Meg is horrifyingly evil.
Sphinixius chapter 12 . 12/1/2014
This story was incredible. And heart breaking. And such a damn emotional roller coaster ride. I loved the ending; it was nice to have a Sam and Bobby moment, as the show kind of skimps in that department, well skimpED, I guess I should say, since Bobby is gone now. Anyway, I loved this, and I kind of feel bad for saying that, considering what it was about, but you wrote it so beautifully, and you handled everything so well that I just can't help it.
Einzelfall chapter 12 . 3/18/2014
This story is so seriously
Pain, torture and all this feelings.
This idea and your writing is amazing. Well it's painfully but hey, I love that :D and no I'm not crazy XD but you story is very very good. *-*
AshleyMarie84 chapter 12 . 1/16/2014
This story broke my heart, but it was amazing! I especially loved the Sam and Bobby bonding moment at the end. You have one hell of a gift for emotional writting.
Guest chapter 12 . 11/4/2013
is the second time I read this, it's awesome! very very good job.
k chapter 1 . 7/9/2013
...WOW..!..What a story..!...Thank you for sharing your great story telling talents with all of us Supertnatural lovers...Please, more..!...detroiter stranded in tucson...k
Kami chapter 12 . 1/8/2013
Great story! Very emotional. Well done.
KC246 chapter 12 . 9/27/2012
*SQUEEEE!* I can’t describe how happy I am to have found this. I first came across this on live journal but for some reason it didn’t get saved in my bookmarks, and then I couldn’t remember the title or who wrote it when I wanted to re-read it. :( But woohoo now I’ve found it here. :)

I loved this from the first chapter to the last. Even though I did find some of the graphic abuse scenes hard to read, the whole thing was extremely well written and I loved all the delicious comforting Dean parts.

Hurt/Comfort is one of my fave genres especially when it features hurt Sammy (which is kinda odd as I tend to write more hurt!Dean but prefer to read hurt!Sam) with protective Dean and you had that combo down perfectly in this fic. :)

Also, this story deserves to have many more reviews as it freakin amazing. :)

*Smishes story and adds it to favorites so I never have lose it again.*
Kubi-Beutlin chapter 12 . 7/10/2012
Oh god, I miss Bobby so much. But I am still pissed that they brought him back as a ghost. After the bullett to the head, that should have been it. The episode was just so damned perfect, but no, we'll throw him back as a ghost without any real plot or character development. Damned.
smokeybubble1024 chapter 12 . 7/8/2012
Hmm, you know, all these other reviews are right, this story didn't get the attention it should've. You're a great writer, you balanced the rape and possession perfectly with the angst and brother worry crap. This story was amazing X3
kumagorox3 chapter 12 . 4/30/2012
Wow, what an incredible and heartbreaking story. Ugh, Meg that B*tch! I wonder if Sam will get that anti-possession tattoo, though, he probably would considering the circumstances.
Cornish Rhapsody chapter 12 . 3/13/2012
I really loved the relationship you portrayed between the brothers here. I adored how protective and caring Dean was over Sammy. I also felt that you handled a very delicate subjecr sensitively and realistically. Thanks for sharing this.
PyroChilde chapter 12 . 3/12/2012
Alright, so this was just the most horribly heartbreaking story I've read in a very long time. I sat here balling my eyes out from chapter 4 or 5 onward. I think you got the length just about perfect. Thank you for not jumping straight to some contrived "happy ending." Great job!

Holy Tearjerker!
Menthol Pixie chapter 12 . 3/12/2012
I never know quite what to say to stories like this. To say, 'I love it' makes me feel like a horrible person. So I'll go with this:

I think you handled the sensitive subject well. I like that you carried on through some of the healing process. I know that it's hard to get emotions right on recovery and I think you did a good job. Thanks for sharing this.
fogsrollingin chapter 12 . 3/12/2012
Totally compelling - I feel like this fic should have garnered more reviews.
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