Reviews for Worth Fighting For
Guest chapter 26 . 5/10/2018
So desperately needed this after the debacle that season 15 has been. Gibbs and Abby as they should be. Thank you.
Lee1234 chapter 26 . 3/30/2016
More please thanks
tracey.gauld chapter 26 . 4/29/2015
What's a fab story! It's kept me gripped, I've loved it! Thanks for writing it
jenninemarie chapter 26 . 3/19/2015
Loved it, would love to have another epilogue, hope she became pregnant
foreverjuliet chapter 26 . 9/7/2014
Sequel please!
NotEnoughTimeOnMyHands chapter 5 . 6/22/2014
This is so good! Tension... Love it!
Loves Jack chapter 26 . 2/12/2014
Absolutely enjoyed this story! Loved the way you carefully described (in extreme detail, I might add) Gibbs' body! I could just see him in those tiny blue speedos! The story was suspenseful, touching, funny, fluffy and most of all HOT! Thanks for the great read!
jjd022980 chapter 26 . 1/2/2013
I hope you do a sequel to this so many possibilities just simply love the relationship and bond
hslacer chapter 4 . 12/2/2012
As I have said before love your writing. Just found this and am loving it.
Amethyst Skulkyrie Cain chapter 26 . 7/25/2012
This was... amazing... it flowed consistently, and they were IC, and it was all lovely, and the Ms were hotter than a sauna... wow...
tanya2byour21 chapter 26 . 5/20/2012
Oh I so want a sequel to this. With them getting pregnant and trying to deal with it and the team and then might what would happen once the baby gets here maybe Gibbs could have a freak out moment or something where he things he might lose both Abby and the baby like the did Kelly and Shannon. I loved the new chapter and I love how you ended it. And I really hope you write do write a sequel to this. I know I will so read it.

WithTheGrain chapter 26 . 5/18/2012
A beautiful finish to this fantastic story. Your descriptions always make me feel like I’m right there! This story took us through so many emotions with such deep feelings and all 26 chapters are an amazing piece of writing! This final chapter really shows how strong their love is and the promise for a very happy future for them.

Love this reflection… But that was all he was ever really doing, getting by, he was never happy and never content. Even during his three other marriages he wasn't living, he was merely surviving. (this says so perfectly what he has endured.)

I can picture this exactly… Gibbs had stood at the door to their bedroom trying to decide whether he should attempt to sleep there or just bunk on the couch for the night. In the end he'd settled on the couch… (conveys such a feeling of emptiness.)

You pinpoint so well what it must have been like for them before… In the past it hadn't worried either of them working long hours, and avoiding being forced to think about what they didn't have in the solitude of their own homes… (so real)

I love this… He only had one real weakness in life, and it was Abby. It had always been Abby… (shows that he’s not just tough and grumpy.)

Gibbs without coffee… "Not giving up coffee, Abby, I'll end up killing someone."… (funny and scary!)

Perfect description… She'd always had a thing for his hands, the contrast of power and firmness mixed with tenderness and sensual heat… (Oh yeah!)

I love their conversation about starting a family combined with the intimacy between them. When they started talking about using Kelly’s room, you did such a wonderful job of getting to the heart of their emotions and feelings. This whole part where you showed how Abby has embraced his memories of his two girls is lovely.

This… From the day that Abby had asked if they could leave the bedroom door open, their home had changed… (I totally adore the idea of this happening!)

Love this... I want our child to know they had a big sister, to learn all about her just like I am… (a very touching and heartwarming vision.)

Thank you for writing this and sharing it! This is one I will remember for a very long time! :)
Talldi chapter 26 . 5/18/2012
What a wonder ful ending! I've really enjoyed this story! Well off to work... ta ta!
fart fart chapter 26 . 5/18/2012
Great ending to your story.
luminosity45 chapter 26 . 5/18/2012
A PS, PPS, and a PPS! Thanks you!
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