Reviews for You Have To Be CrossEyed To See It
jessicainspace chapter 1 . 6/4/2012
Awww that was /adorable/ ! I seriously love stories like this where the journey is by far more important than the actual destination. Where the main focus isnt sex (although later on down the road it wouldnt hurt...) & its someone else (made a billion times better when its bones) looking in on jim & spock's relationship. I deeply enjoyed reading this, as it was like 5 kinds of awesome ! ;}
onewhowatches chapter 1 . 5/25/2012
Oblivious!Jim is always a treat. And of course McCoy would notice before anyone else. ;D I enjoyed every second of this.
Melbi chapter 1 . 3/12/2012
That is so amazing! I love how it's through Bones' point of view. So sweet, thank you :D
x.keepingthemoon.x chapter 1 . 3/12/2012
awwwww, this is beautiful :)
Lisaliene chapter 1 . 3/8/2012
Loved it, so cute! This is exactely the Bones I love so much. *Sigh* I'm still smiling and will be for the next time.
Kalidris chapter 1 . 3/7/2012
Aww, that's so cute :). To watch them slowly fall in love is something i could do at least 5 times a day :)
Wildfire2 chapter 1 . 3/7/2012
This was a great short story! I hope you decide to write longer ones you're a brilliant writer.

Magpie1600 chapter 1 . 3/3/2012
I like this from Bone's point of view. Well done.
moviesaremagic chapter 1 . 3/3/2012
Hey honey! Prompt giver here! :) Firstly, don't worry about how long it took- I still haven't finished your fill yet! (cough...I am the slowest fucking writer ever...) I don't mind at all- and darlin, you did a gorgeous take on this. Thank you! You really did the fic justice. You fit in the prompt really naturally and I love the whole thing. Spock in particular is so fucking spot on, the dialogue is FANTASTIC. I love this line: "And that is precisely why it would be prudent for you to grasp the concept of self-preservation. Further incidents such as today's are unacceptable and entirely illogical."

Secondly, I just got home from a late night out, and my headache was made so much better by reading some Star Trek. Thank you!


-moviesaremagic :D
Miltonway chapter 1 . 3/3/2012
Great story. I love how Jim is the last to realise.

Well written and sweet.