Reviews for Signiferis mortis et Aeterna lux
stars379 chapter 30 . 8/26
Are you going to continue?
Guest chapter 30 . 5/5
Omg please I hope one day you’ll update this again !
chemicalscum chapter 30 . 3/26
Oh my god! What a surprise reaction from Bellatrix! Hopefully it doesn’t stay that way because well, then I’d just be super sad.

I was super into Bellamione back around 2014 and very likely read your fic then, but it’s honestly been so long that I forgot everything I read. Also back then I was 17 so now I do view things with a newer perspective! Namely: I better understand the conflict of loving more than one person and also the utter HURT and vulnerability of love and betrayal which you showed so well here.

So while I am sad that this chapter ended of that note I think it was a good choice as an author because Bella is going through a very painful revelation at the moment and it wouldn’t be so easy to forgive Hermione from that. It took Hermione months to reconcile with the idea of being with Bella and that was with her already knowing who she was!

I totally understand how life has its ups and downs and writing a story with so many hiatuses must be difficult as well because you just... forget what you wrote. Hell I’m pretty sure I read this in 2014 (pretty sure because I recognize the title of this fic) but when I was (re?)reading it this time around, the plot points only felt vaguely familiar AFTER I read them. Plus you’re some sort of nuclear chemical engineer or something? That sounds like a job you need to use your brain all day for so I can imagine that you don’t want to use it as much for writing in your free time as well.

All of that though was basically for me to say I understand and I want to just thank you for this gem of a story that already exists! There is not much available for me to do during this pandemic mess so it was a real gift to be able to escape for the time it took me to read your fic. I would understand if you never updated at all because you don’t owe us readers shit and this is fanfiction, I’m pretty sure I know where the ending is going, lol!

Anyway thank you again for such an enjoyable fic, I hope you are staying safe and healthy during these times!
jcherart chapter 30 . 12/9/2019
Hello! I hope your health is in full order now. This is a very amazing story. What a pity there are no more chapters with a sequel. Thanks for this story!
Zelli Fourie chapter 30 . 10/31/2019
Please tell me you haven't given up this story *
I might just cry because I really need to know what's going to happen and how it ends **

Great story ! *
Guest chapter 24 . 8/5/2019
Bull's shit !
That is what it is.
Guest chapter 30 . 6/10/2019
Please update don’t let it end like this!
Bram Watley chapter 30 . 5/2/2019
Please continue. This is so good, I have to know how it ends
Little fox chapter 30 . 3/3/2019
Hello dear author!
You've Great story here! And it take me a whole day and half to finish all of 30ch
Why do you not active and update?
I really curious about what happen next..
Please please
Update soon
I see Bella really mad to Hermione, and Mione no give her any word of her plan either
I hope Bella and Mione can have the future that they want to
Bella really on the worst situation if dark lord find out about Hermione cause.
I can relate How much angry and haterd feeling that Bella feels when you found if the one you really love is fake..
Please update soon
See you next
MaishaR chapter 30 . 1/26/2019
I love your story. I love to see wear it going! How Bellabrand Hermione fix
their relationship.
Guest chapter 30 . 8/10/2018
Pleaaheaase update! This is pure torture quitting on an intense moment like this!
PictisVerbis chapter 1 . 4/21/2018
I read all of this in one sitting. I should have slept hours ago but this was definitely worth it. You did however stop updating at a really intense part. My heart. It hurts. Please update this is really going to bother me
MichalaJ chapter 30 . 4/19/2018
Like all your other stories this one is amazing and full of those pesky feelings. I really hope you continue and that Bellmione gets a happy ending. Leaving it at a heartbroken Bella is heartbreaking, she finally felt and thinks it was all a lie.
GarbageCannotCan chapter 30 . 3/13/2018
Hope you’ll come back and finish. It was incredible.
thelastheroine chapter 1 . 2/3/2018
update pls.
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