Reviews for Stable Orbit
avearia chapter 1 . 4/6/2019
Lovely :D

I like how you showed Star's metamorphosis throughout her life and finding new purpose. It's a unique take on a character often ignored in canon and in the fandom alike, and reimagines her relationship with Paulina as the world to her orbit.

...Also loved the tidbit you started with, about brown eyes being rare. I know Hartman had some odd grudge against normal colored eyes, but it makes for an interesting bit of worldbuilding.
Rising from the Ashes YOLT chapter 1 . 1/12/2014
That is so sad. DX
Sam Manson Repilica chapter 1 . 3/26/2013
Beautiful more stories need to focus on the pops of casper i love this
TartKiwiFruit chapter 1 . 8/12/2012
Lovely. A beautiful interpretation of a character usually taken for granted, and very sweetly done. (Despite the murdered father.) It's nice to see that Star and Paulina do have some real love between them. Again, very beautiful.
Oak Leaf Ninja chapter 1 . 3/5/2012
Wow...bravo! I loved reading a totally new perspective of star! Nice!
DannySamLover20 chapter 1 . 3/5/2012
nice! i like that :)
MusicGeek764 chapter 1 . 3/5/2012
I love it when someone gives background characters the spotlight, and you gave a big, bright one to Star. The story just resinated with me, for reasons I'm not all that sure of. The whole color thing at the beginning was beautifuly written, and I love the depth you gave to a rather flat character. Wonderful job! :)
Codiak chapter 1 . 3/5/2012
This was really great. I like the whole backstory and depth you gave her as a character. And your descriptons are really nice. Lovely job. ;)
Writer's-BlockDP chapter 1 . 3/4/2012
I'm really not quite sure what to make of this. Incredibly depressing, for one, but that was kind of the point, wasn't it? Wherever this idea came from, I really liked it a lot. I've always thought that either Star is deeper than she appears or she has a deeper reason for being so shallow. The lack of mention of her family in the show gives a perfect opening to explore, and you explored wonderfully. Thanks for sharing!
Laora chapter 1 . 3/4/2012
I legitimately was just looking for a quick read, something to give me a break in studying this afternoon - because that's usually what the DP archive offers. But this...I'm not sure there are words to describe how I feel about this story. We never know anything about Star, and this could have easily been an "OC stand-in," like you said...but it definitely isn't. Somehow you've made it sound like Star, and I definitely get the feeling that this is about her, that this could have happened, because we never really know, right?

The color bit at the beginning was wonderful. How you start with all the more bright colors but then go back to brown which is, of course, Star's favorite.

The story you gave was heartbreaking; despite the fact that there was no dialogue, it was all in the past, I really felt drawn into it. It was just...I can't think of any other words. Beautiful.

The part when she moves to Amity Park and meets Paulina and everyone else - that was just so well-done - I don't think I'm qualified to say how wonderful that was. I mean. I just can't.

We know next to nothing about Star, and I'm just about ready to make this my headcanon for her. It makes sense, and it's beautifully written, and even if it's a bit more somber than the show itself, it just...fits, you know?

I may or may not be repeating myself in this review. I'm just kind of blown away by your story ;; I'll definitely be checking out anything else you may have written when I get the time! Thank you so much for sharing this :)
Fluehatraya chapter 1 . 3/4/2012
What a wonderful introspective piece. I really love how you gave a backstory to such a minor character. Although it's not canon, now I'm never going to be able to look at Star the same way again when I watch Danny Phantom.

The color motif was also fascinating, overspanning the entire oneshot and connecting things that seemingly had little to do with one another.

You did a great job! I hope to read more of your writing in the future!