Reviews for Lead Us Into Temptation
jahamai chapter 15 . 9/6
chillwithJyl chapter 14 . 8/13
I know you still beta some stories, so I still have hope that you will update your stories
narutogirl103 chapter 15 . 7/13
oh god the intesity of this is just incredible! honestly incredible story! amazing job
Guest chapter 15 . 4/28
I really want to see where this goes. I can honestly see Caroline or one of the Mikealson's snapping at everyone about how they only care about Elena, but never Caroline.
Lilou019 chapter 15 . 4/4
Trop super comme histoire mais je vois que sa fais longtemps qu'il n'y à pas eu de mise à jour :( Comptez vous faire la suite ? svp.
Guest chapter 15 . 1/10
Omg I'm sad that i reached the end and it's left on a cliffhanger my emotions are going haywire after reading your story. I hope that you update soon (I know it's been a minute since your last update but a girl can hope lol). I have no clue how Caroline is so resisting to Klaus at this point in the story, I might have mental issues but I find possessive Klaus to be sexy as hell lol . I understand her loyalty but jeez man I just want her to realize that Klaus is her soulmate and to stop fighting against it. Also I just have to say I hate Damon with a passion, I hate him in the show and you write him perfectly, down to a T, so it's no surprise that I hate him in your story to. His one track mind of Elena really grinds my gears, his willingness to sacrifice things he has no right to sacrifice really angers me both in the show and in your story. He acts like Elena is the be all and end all of everything in the world and he acts like everyone should be willing to sacrifice their wants, their needs, and their lives for her. Him and Stefan, but Stefan I can admit is to a lesser degree then Damon. I really hate that the show portrays Elana as this Angel sent from the heavens that her friends have to protect and sacrifice for against all the evil that comes through their tiny town, truthfully I don't like Elena, she's to wishy washy and selfish for my taste so I don't understand her friends need to push their own desires out of the way for what's best for her and the 2 that always seem to get the short end of the stick are Bonnie and Caroline who deserve so much more then that. Anyways though I am so sorry for my mini rant, I will finish by saying I loved your story and I thank you for posting it.
secile chapter 9 . 10/20/2019
I’m still praying for a miracle so you can update! I love this story. It is one of my favorite. I always get nostalgic when I read it. It reminds me of the days where Caroline was used as a distraction for Klaus. Damon the jerk and those good days without the originals crap and etc. I hope everything is good in your life and one day who knows you will update.
Hill chapter 15 . 9/14/2019
Your fanfiction made me hate Caroline. If this is what you wanted to do then congratulations. You won.
StarlightInTheGarden chapter 15 . 7/26/2019
Such a great story! It is a pity that has been left unfinished for so long. Will there ever be a chance for an update? I am sure, just like me, there are many that would like to read more from this story.
Guest chapter 15 . 4/11/2019
Loved this story. I can’t believe this is the first time I’m reading it! It was so engaging right from chapter 1. I also noticed that it’s been a while since you updated. I hope you decide to continue :) This is an awesome story and I would very much love to read more and know how it all enfolds :D
Didilover456 chapter 15 . 3/17/2019
Please please please continue this story
SlytherinAvengerPrincess chapter 15 . 1/17/2019
NOOOOOOOOO I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED NEXT! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME! My heart is broken. I need to finish this story. I won’t be complete without it.

Secondly, Damon is such a dick. If the gang truly loved Caroline they wouldn’t be asking this of her. They’d let her deal with it. Does Klaus need to be a jerk, no. But I can understand the need to be with her and not wanting to live without her. I think Bonnie or Stefan would be the first to tell Caroline that it’s okay to be in love with him. Sometime peopl fall in love in mysterious ways and the feelings just can’t be explained. Btw love the story wish you continued it.
klavscaroline chapter 15 . 5/13/2018
I really hope you update this!
secile chapter 12 . 3/9/2018
Hey hun! How are you? How is life? Have you abandoned this story? I hope not and somedayyou will update
miss-elliie chapter 15 . 2/12/2018
Wow great job. I love your story. Please update soon!
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