Reviews for Dust to Dust
CloudCarnivore chapter 2 . 11/5/2018
I love this story! Keep up the good work ~
YourGreatestDream chapter 2 . 1/10/2017
It's your fault I'm now binge watching episodes of Danny Phantom. I blame you for this new cartoon addiction I now have. Your fault.
Salinedreamsxena chapter 2 . 5/8/2016
Next chapter? :c
ice-storm1196 chapter 2 . 3/20/2016
It's a pity you never finished this. I love your Only a Boy series, but I only just got back into Danny Phantom after years of not really caring.
But anyway. I like your writing, and I'd have loved to see this continue.
KarasuTengu.Kirin chapter 2 . 12/11/2015
I. Am. Dying. This is amazing! I love how you've integrated the shows together. Despite not updating for a few years, I really hope you'll continue soon!
dont.blink.or.youre.dead chapter 2 . 12/6/2015
This is an absolutely amazing story. PLEASE DON'T COMPLETELY ABANDON IT!
Guest chapter 2 . 11/1/2015
This is such a good story... I love your interpretation of Danny's initial experiences after the accident. I've read several versions, and this is the best yet. Well written, logical, and just a hint of corniness that makes it a perfect DP fic. I hope you continue.
Ondine de la Mer chapter 2 . 7/17/2015
I found this after reading Just A Boy, and I really liked it. Dust to Dust started off a little slow, but once I got into it I was hooked. Fingers crossed that you manage to complete both stories.
ShadowPillow chapter 2 . 1/20/2015
But... but... :(

That was a terrible cliffhanger. A terrible cliffhanger and two years after it. Though I suppose I cant complain, since you're still working on Only a Boy, which has also become one of my favorite stories... but please tell me you haven't abandoned this one! I was so looking forward to it... the setup from Ashes to Ashes was great, and the other crossovers were just about to come in... Well, it was a great 15 chapters of reading, and even if you don't continue it, thank you for writing this story this far already.

Also, about Webbs and Worth, I think they're really good characters, even if OC. Sometimes a story calls for those characters, and I think you've done a nice job with them. I understand if you take them out, but I definitely want to learn more about the mystery behind them.
SailingSky chapter 1 . 9/28/2014
New favorite! I absolutely LOVE how you spun all of the characters. They're more realistic and their reactions to him stepping through the portal are more of what I imagined responses would be versus the "oh hey yeah, so you kinda died and have superpowers now" that the show took.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/1/2014
Hi, I just re-read both parts of this series, and I am absolutely loving your characterizations and backstory for the Danny Phantom series. On that note, I was wondering if you will come back and continue this series, or if it has been abandoned for other projects, or because life?
Sad Fan chapter 2 . 10/21/2013
Why hasn't this story been updated?! :c
TheGreatandTerribleMe chapter 2 . 9/18/2013
Oh cliffhangers, how I hate you. You leave me wanting and waiting. You make me love a story all the more, but you leave me unsatisfied.

This was an amazing chapter, and I can't wait for Sam and Dean to show up! I really love your writing. I had just got the alert about your up and coming second arc: The Legacy of Salazar. I started to read Ashes to Ashes and I got hooked on it just like I did with Only a Boy. Please continue your amazing work because I always love to read your new chapters. You inspire me to start writing, and hopefully when I get around to it my writing will be as good as yours.

Your fan,
Elemental 64
BiblioMatsuri chapter 2 . 8/16/2013
I'm guessing Sam's memory blank is plot-important.

...Ranting in his sleep? Yeah, what.

Looking forward to the next chapter, if there is one. - Matsuri
fandomluva2theend chapter 2 . 4/21/2013
I completely agree with OnlyTimeWillTell.
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