Reviews for The Return of the Riders
Archer chapter 21 . 5/5
Why not continue? It's good.
Firewizart64 chapter 1 . 1/28
So happy I stumbled across your account, one of the best fanfic writers I’ve ever read and not only this one but all your one shots are written to capture the moment so perfectly and it really is a joy to read. I don’t know if you have any more works or write anymore but if you do please continue to post and if not thankyou. Much love.
Guest chapter 21 . 3/4/2019
I mean holy moly this is so Good!
AnonnymA chapter 21 . 9/14/2018
I really hope you finish this Fic. So much emotion and forethought have gone into the making of this. I know its been ages since the last update, but I can honestly say that I hadn’t come back to this since the chapter before that. It’s a great story, and I can’t wait to see where you take it.
Guest chapter 11 . 9/6/2018
I know you most probably won’t see this but there is no such thing as a left jab unless he is left handed otherwise it is a cross
Anonymous chapter 21 . 5/9/2018
Pls write more... this was the best Rider fan fiction I have ever seen... you must write more of it. You are a very talented writer. :)
newlyReader chapter 21 . 8/27/2017
Dear author,
I absolutely loved your story and writing.
Today is the first day I have read some fan fiction stories, but yours is by far my favorite.
Amazing backgrounds and character development for the new characters. Because of the density of story the distinction between all the new characters is a bit difficult, but ... hey ... it can also be because English is not my native language.
One of your comments was that the story is a little slow, I disagree: the rhythm, the style etc is in sync with Paolini's originals.
I hope you can finish this story. I am very curious of the continuation.
Kind regards ASB
aushannah13 chapter 21 . 8/25/2017
This is a really great story and I know it's unlikely that you'll continue after 4 years but it is annoying that it will remain unfinished.
Guest chapter 21 . 4/2/2017
That's a good story, one if the best I've read on this website, the only thing I could find wrong with it is the swearing. If you could write more of this story I would be grateful. Again well dome on this story and hope that there will be more in the future.
Thrawn13 chapter 21 . 3/11/2017
Update real soon plz! I love this story!
Whatever chapter 21 . 8/19/2016
I loved your story.. Though I wish to see it completed.
You have spent a good amount of time building up the characters to just abandon it in between.
Complete it please. I ask you this If only for my selfish reason to read the rest of the story. But I know I also speak for all those others who have read your story and desperately long to read the rest.. :)
piplilpop chapter 21 . 7/25/2016
I know it's been 3 years, but nevertheless, I won't give up hope in that a new chapter will be uploaded! :D I like Eragon's and Arya's interactions with the riders and look forward to seeing more of those along with the interaction between Eragon and Arya of course ;) I hope all is well for you and that you will have the opportunity to write again and post more chapters again!
ashaman1234 chapter 21 . 5/13/2016
I hope that you finish this at some point, it's a really great story.
draco1xx chapter 21 . 3/17/2016
One of the best eragon fanfics ever! Is it still being updated?
Eragon385 chapter 21 . 3/2/2016
I hope you finish the rest of this story, it is amazing! I will definitely be waiting for your return :)
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