Reviews for Lightmaker Who Comes From The Dark
Chicary chapter 1 . 4/6/2012
Your prose was gorgeous and, as usual, you pay a lot of attention to detail. You handled the research component well in that it wove into the narrative so smoothly. Set's predicament is so tragic, but I feel like he's seeing his world in a detached way. As a bigger fan of Mahaad, I wish I saw more of him but the unique way you angled this makes up for it. Well done, Milly!
Sierra's Darkness chapter 1 . 4/6/2012

I have a soft spot for stories and pairings with a tragic element to them, and this fic was no exception. You set the atmosphere so well; I really felt like I was there with Set. (Poor, poor Set.) I especially liked the fact that this was melancholic without being cliche, and in character for both Set and his future reincarnation towards the end. A really good read. Your stuff is improving all the time. :D Well done!
Dusty Llama chapter 1 . 4/2/2012
I really love the subtle loss of memory of the living world. Your description was really strong, both in diction and in the power of imagery.

Certainly a tragedy. I enjoyed reading this quite a lot.

Good luck! :]
OxEyed chapter 1 . 4/1/2012
aaahhh this is my favorite of your stories I've read so far! So atmospheric, definitely understated but a pleasure to read. I could tell that you'd done your research, but it wasn't shoved in my face, it moved along with the narrative perfectly. It was surreal and dreamlike, and yet the physical details were what made the story.

I'm not an expert at Set by any means, but I really liked the way you wrote him, I could see him ending up slightly callous, slightly bitter, but pragmatic and a fair king, even if not a perfect one.

I really, really like this. Very nice work.
dragonlady222 chapter 1 . 3/24/2012
Poor Set no rest or peace for him. He wants Atemu to come back and knows he will never find him.