Reviews for In A Moment Of Weakness
emowoods205 chapter 28 . 9/18/2019
I'm very glad everyone finally respects Naruto...Its sweet that Sasuke had a daughter in honor of Naruto and named her Kana like Naruto wanted but I'm sad the girl isn't really Sasuke and Narutos...after everything they were able to do with their chakra and jutsu they weren't able to have a baby together and that hurts more then anything...(I dedicate the song 'A lonely night' by the weeknd to this chapter) For some reason the scene where Sasuke was looking at himself in the mirror and remembering himself when he was young and making love with Naruto...reminded me of the Titanic like when Rose first saw the drawing of herself and remembered Jack...and then when Naruto made Sasuke promise to be happy after he when Jack made Rose promise to be happy after he heart is aching and hurting so bad...I wish you had done a scene with Naruto and Sasuke reuniting again in least Sasuke lived a good life...I feel bad for Naruto bad...but I guess he was meant to die young...this was an amazing story and put me through a roller coaster of emotions but I will never regret reading it...thank you for writing such an amazing story..
emowoods205 chapter 27 . 9/18/2019
Holy fuck Naruto finally allowed Sasuke to fuck him! (I dedicate the song 'Same old song' and 'Attention' and 'Shameless' by the weeknd to this chapter.) Naruto broke down into tears finally letting out all the pain he had gone through in life and Sasuke kissed his tears away and made love to him, Naruto was finally able to be vulnerable and submissive...the rape really messed Naruto up, it broke him, but Sasuke put him back together with his love, passion, and care...Naruto never wanted Sasuke's cock out of him, he ached for them to be one...and Sasuke even made Naruto call him 'Sasuke-teme' like in their past...that's when I burst into tears...they made love all night...becoming one again and again until their very souls melded together...and then they started talking about children...if only there was a jutsu that could turn Sasuke into a real female...then Sasuke could have Naruto's baby...but instead their talking about Karin being the mother and I was disgusted...I don't hate Karin but i dont like her if Sasuke has a child with Karin my heart will literally break and shatter into pieces...STUPID FUCKING TOBI/OBITO! I'm so glad Obito is dead...! The way Naruto died was so tragic...but symbolic...he killed himself for Sasuke...he sacrificed himself...he lived his whole life being nothing but a sacrifice...just like his mom and dad died for him...he died for Sasuke...
emowoods205 chapter 26 . 9/18/2019
This is the worst thing that could ever happen...I am crying so hard...I'm heartbroken...why can't they just be happyand now Naruto is going to die and Sasuke will truly be left alone, this isn't fair, they fell in love so hard...made love so beautifully and now its gonna end...much too soon...(I dedicate the song Beautiful by Eminem to this chapter...) I was so happy when Sasuke kissed Naruto in front of everyone 3...Naruto's life was lonely, depressing, and hard...but at least he had his love with Sasuke...they are meant for eachother no matter what...when Sasuke professed his love for Naruto to the village of heart burned with happiness...
emowoods205 chapter 25 . 9/18/2019
Sasuke and Naruto are in love so deeply...I wish they could get married have children together, imagine if this book was omegaverse or a/b/o and Sasuke was an omega while Naruto was the alpha...then they could be happy...but I'm worried...Naruto is becoming more weak, he's losing control...hopefully nothing bad happens...I think it's really sad Naruto is forced to live as someone else and listen to his old friends grieve over him...also I must say Sasuke is such a troublemaker, pressing his foot against Naruto's clothed cock while their in a public restaurant with everyone...also does Sakura know about Sasuke and Naruto's relationship? I love how jealous Naruto gets, I also love how Naruto fucks, WHY IS NARUTO SO FUCKING PERFECT! Naruto is so dirty but in such a sensual/sexual way~
emowoods205 chapter 24 . 9/18/2019
Damn...Naruto sure did make love to Sasuke like no other...for hours and hours...yet Naruto never came! Naruto has never had an orgasm, not once in his entire life...but then Sasuke fucked himself on Naruto's cock and professed his love so passionately that he finally made Naruto cum!
emowoods205 chapter 23 . 9/18/2019
I fucking love Naruto for healing Sasuke! Naruto healed Sasukes scars, legs, and eyes! Now Sasuke can walk and see again I am so happy! The sex was so intense in this chapter...I hope Sasuke will be able to make Naruto cum..At least Sakura isn't being a bitch anymore...and I'm happy Sasuke and Naruto are finally together...
emowoods205 chapter 22 . 9/18/2019
I know Gaara and Naruto's relationship is ending but I'm hoping they could still be bestfriends...I feel bad for Gaara but I hope he finds love with the one he marries..I'm also very happy that Kyuubi apologized for what he had done..Holy fuck Naruto fucked Sasuke with his chakra XD...
emowoods205 chapter 21 . 9/18/2019
It's beautiful that Naruto still thinks Sasuke is beautiful even when he's so mutilated, and Naruto even finally made love to Sasuke...Sasuke definantly deserves to be loved and pleasured...I just hope that Naruto finds a way heal Sasuke...
emowoods205 chapter 20 . 9/17/2019
...I'm so glad Naruto saved Sasuke but I am devastated with how much Sasuke was hurt...hopefully Naruto will be able to heal Sasuke, at the very least give him Itachi's eyes back and repair his legs...
emowoods205 chapter 19 . 9/16/2019
...I hope Gaara marries that girl so Sasuke and Naruto end up together...Holy fuck Sasuke and Naruto had sex multiple tumes,, Naruto made Sasuke cum so hard, but Naruto didn't cum...maybe because he felt bad for what he was doing...I hope they have sex again soon but with more touching, I want them to make love, to seems Naruto is jealous that Sasuke is hanging out with that girl...and I just know deep down Naruto loves Sasuke...
emowoods205 chapter 18 . 9/16/2019
I'm so happy Sasuke and Naruto are friends again but damn...Sasuke witnessed Naruto giving Gaara some amazing head...and of course Sasuke got aroused...
emowoods205 chapter 17 . 9/16/2019
So Naruto moved to Suna to be with Gaara, and this makes Sai and Sasuke sad, I'm upset that Naruto didn't come to see Sasuke when he got injured...I cried when Sasuke cried...this is so sad...but I still know deep down Naruto is still in love with Sasuke..I was pissed when Sasuke tried to move on with some girl! He can not give up! I'm disgusted that Sasuke tried dating Karin, Sakura and Ino...but I'm glad none of them could get Sasuke's heart..and then Sasuke tried sleeping with men too but that didn't work...Oh shit Sasuke is going to Suna!
emowoods205 chapter 16 . 9/16/2019
Okay so Naruto is dating Gaara, I know he still loves Sasuke deep down...I feel so bad for Sasuke though...but as long as Sasuke doesn't a child with some girl there might be a chance Naruto and Sasuke could get together...also I'm so proud of Sasuke for getting himself together for Naruto and Itachi's sake.
emowoods205 chapter 15 . 9/16/2019
Sasuke wants Naruto so bad, he loves Naruto, but Naruto thinks Sasuke is playing with him...this is so painful...
emowoods205 chapter 14 . 9/16/2019
It's sweet that Sai, Neji, and Gaara still care for Naruto...Sasuke is in love with Naruto and so is Gaara patentially, Naruto and Gaara's reunion was beautiful, holding eachother, and comforting eachother, but seeing Sasuke being jealous of the two was depressing, hopefully Naruto ends up with Sasuke, they need eachother. I feel like Gaara and Sai have a thing for Naruto...Sasuke needs to confess his love to Naruto already.
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