Reviews for The Darkness Inside
butski chapter 2 . 4/14/2016
This is great! And very well written. I think you captured them all very good.
I love the line "poor Tom has to suffer us both, which makes him the most patient person on this planet."
Thanks for sharing. Take care.
PoetKnowit20 chapter 2 . 4/10/2012
Awww this is lovely! I really enjoyed your writing style and how you kept everyone in character! I love Tom! Thanks :)
Ruby Rosetta Red chapter 2 . 4/8/2012
I love how you interpret and write Tom, it's very very good and very believable. Same with Alex, i can hear her voice in my head as i read your words. You also have Hal's rigid self control down too. Nice job and i hope that there's more?
lily chapter 2 . 4/8/2012
sweet :)
Laspettra chapter 2 . 4/7/2012
Yes, I liked this very much! Hal steadily gaining control and his human emotions surfacing again, genuine affection for Tom, and for Alex too. I hope he can look after her, I have a feeling poor Alex, who seems so sassy and brave, is going to need more tenderness and support in the future. x
Laspettra chapter 1 . 4/7/2012
Aw, love this first chapter! I adore these three together (and this comes from someone who loves the other three together even more!). I like the words you've given Hal, and the sympathy you've given Alex and Tom - and shown how it confuses them, and tears at their heartstrings, and their feelings of guilt. I like Tom's reasoning about fighting his instincts to kill the vampire, fighting his instincts to distrust Hal and how he compares it to Hal fighting his instincts to drink blood, how they are both fighting the monster within. V clever. I like that x
anyother chapter 2 . 4/7/2012
Oh oh, now I want a third chapter. I can really imagine this story as an actual scene in the series. True to the characters, the right mix of sad and funny. Well done!
Nikki Anna chapter 2 . 4/7/2012
Lovely second chapter. I only just read the first again this morning, and it left me wanting more. Thank you ;)
MancVamp chapter 2 . 4/7/2012
Blimey Lamina. I don't know what to say! Blimey!

That. Was. AWESOME!

It's like watching S5 Ep 1 of Being Human.

Oh I love the way you write! You take your time, and let us know everything that Hal, Tom and Alex are thinking and feeling. And this gives your writing a richness and luxury that, well to be honest, that feels as though I have just watched the first 2 scenes of Ep1 S5!

You should be extremely proud of this chapter. I am.

Thank you.
gingernut49 chapter 2 . 4/7/2012
Another super chapter. I love the fact I can hear all their voices when I'm reading. Only one teensie quibble, it's 'meat pie'.
0positiv chapter 2 . 4/6/2012
Hi there Laminamara

Yey, a new chapter! And a great one at that :)

I love your idea about Mikado, it's so totally believable that McNair would have Tom play Mikado as a kind of dry run for handling stakes. And for Tom to teach it to Hal is very sweet.

And the talk between Hal and Alex was very nice, too. I think you've once again nailed there characters perfectly.

Is there going to be more of this :) ?

Greetings 0positiv
Lolapola chapter 1 . 4/1/2012
I really like this, are you going to continue it?
MancVamp chapter 1 . 3/31/2012
Oh Lamina! That was really REALLY good! What a great scene! Mind you, Hal chained to a bed will always be a winner - but you certainly wrote all the characters very well. Enjoyed reading it very much. I hope you'll write some more. Many thanks!
anyother chapter 1 . 3/29/2012
Thanks for this story, a true follow up to the series - good to have a scene at the HH house once more (and strawberry tea!). I love the interaction between Tom and Hal, and the way you describe Alex' conflicting feelings.
gingernut49 chapter 1 . 3/27/2012
That's superb - I could really hear the characters talking.

It's writers like you will keep us going during the BH drought!
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