Reviews for Dangerous Territory
CallMeTod chapter 1 . 9/6/2014
The moment I saw the scene in the comic I thought tentacle porn.
Meincake247 chapter 1 . 12/31/2012
I loooove the concept of it actually. Very creative! It is so not as "bad" as u think it is -
tialdari chapter 1 . 9/28/2012
Well dear sir/lady it was great :3
I wasnt very sure if I wanted to read the raping part but I did anyway and it was worth those little Snippy T_T.
Just wait you monsters for Captains wrath :P !
And you did awesome job! :D
*digs you from the grave and hugs*
Guest chapter 1 . 9/24/2012
Das war furchtbar ... gut!
Mein Gott chapter 1 . 8/23/2012
Although, Captain seemed OOC at the end, this fic left me shivering. I would enjoy another chapter of Captain's reaction but that's just me. The fic is great, not including the.. tentacle rape, well, it was hot.. ANYWAYS, continue writing awesome fics!
Sea-of-dreamss chapter 1 . 8/8/2012
dude this was awesome ;-; I loved it!
Derp chapter 1 . 7/21/2012
This was just one of the most amazing things I have ever read.. It was just.. FUCK I CAN'T QAQ
I love it so much !
PsychoWing chapter 1 . 7/15/2012
Aw. Poor Snippy. Shit always happens to him. Captain's anger is going to be epic. D
toeki chapter 1 . 5/29/2012
hi. i admit that i contemplated for days if i should write a review for an *ahem*...tentacle porn fic?

now i decided to do it.

first, i admire that you have the guts to post a story like this on a platform where the author of the original may read it.

to the rape scene, i can say nothing, because i skipped it due to your very well placed disclaimer. i LOVE when people know how to use disclaimers to protect my naive mind ;)

i felt really bad for snippy here. poor poor snippy.i think it is sad how he thinks no one cares about him.

but i think captain was a little ooc in the ending. i cant imagine captain, who lives in his pink-happy-bubble world, to get what has happened so quickly. i think he would see that snippy is hurt and theres something very wrong, but not its also unusual that he calls snippy charles, im pretty sure captain does not know the real names of his minions.
messynotebooks chapter 1 . 4/5/2012
*Jumps into grave with Soul and Schizo* I loved it! I almost ripped my blanket when the rape scene started, but it was mostly because I was thinking "omg I'm actually reading this why is it so perfect!"

The ending made me cry a little. :3

I loved it a lot! You had the guts to post it, and that's really cool. :D
UnknownAlien chapter 1 . 4/5/2012
I have to say I liked the idea of the story and is an interesting read, (even though I dislike tentacle action, ugh -shivers-) but I did scan the rape part so I know mostly what happened and I think that having the Captain doppelganger was a pretty slick move.

Poor Mr. Snippy, ;_;

Cancer gun' get his.

Sic 'em mon Capitan!
eight 0f hearts chapter 1 . 3/27/2012
Don't be ashamed of this! You managed to make it emotional and clear what was going on without being distasteful at all.

Actually, it was this part: 'They don't give two shits about you, Snippy. Captain wouldn't have sent you out here if he cared about you, even a little…I still care about him. Even…even if he doesn't care about me.' that really got me... although the ending scene did resolve it quite nicely :)
Derpington chapter 1 . 3/27/2012
Nein! Zees is an awesome addition to our fanfiction archive of zee awesome Captein!
temarcia chapter 1 . 3/27/2012
I'd read again. Awesome, just awesome! I'm glad you write it - Fandom needed it!
n.s.c.m chapter 1 . 3/27/2012
That was awesome, I feel bad for Snippy but at the same time I couldn't help laughing at it whole situation. And congrats on being the first to post this kind of story. _
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