Reviews for Mourning
Arendora chapter 1 . 3/3/2018
Incredibly sad, I really like this.
Fire The Canon chapter 1 . 6/26/2012
It was Lavender right? Oh, please tell me it was Lavender, because I ship Seamus and Lavender... like quite a bit and is the reason I chose to review this.

Anyway, I absolutely adored this. It was so well written and I loved your description and the way you wrote it. I was getting a little teary reading it (and I don't cry reading stories or watching movies/tv). Well done. *Favourites*
alverixorcustransfrogamorphus chapter 1 . 6/11/2012

am I right in thinking that this was Lavender? because it would be insanely cute if it was.

You did a wonderful job of depicting the loss of a loved one to a war. I feel a bit of a connection to Seamus as my step-brother died in a freak accident in 2011 and I only let my boyfriend see my feelings because i felt like he was the only one i could trust not to judge.

I loved this a lot! well done
reminiscent-afterthought chapter 1 . 5/20/2012
Nice little drabble. Sort, sweet and about a character I hardly ever see and when I do, not in the most favourable of lights. But you did a good job of portraying him...and the situation too.

Your first sentence...I think having the word "dead" repeated twice somewhat dulls the effect. You don't really need the "of the dead" part I think. And the sentence "He knew that Seamus was going to marry her when it was all over." - was makes it sound like it's still going to happen."had been" perhaps?

Ah, Dean's such a nice friend.

Well done. :)

Yeah, that always bugs me too. But do people listen?
HeadlessHuntsman chapter 1 . 4/15/2012
I liked this even though it was very angsty but that's ok sometimes :)

Seamus has always been one of my more favorite characters so I like that he is more human in this.

Good Job
avatarluv97 chapter 1 . 4/5/2012
Aw, poor Seamus. That was really beautiful, and I think you did an amazing job with the word. I didn't think of later being used like you used it, but it certainy worked. Great work :)
Katali1993 chapter 1 . 4/4/2012
I think it's really horrible that someone was so badly maimed that it was hard to tell who they were. At first I thought this might have been Lavendar, because I think she was badly hurt by a werewolf in the battle of Hogwarts, but there isn't much to say whether it is or not - I know nothing of Seamus's love life, so I wouldn't know. I think it's really sad that he realises it is his fiance but he can't mourn her till later - it's really mature of him to carry on fighting. I think you also show Dean to be a really good friend here.
WeasleySeeker chapter 1 . 4/3/2012
This is fantastic! It definitely shows the destruction of the final battle, which is sometimes forgotten because of the outcome. It was so heartbreaking that they were just engaged :'( It was really admirable how Seamus could put aside his grief to help the others. And Dean was really supportive and lovely. You did a brilliant job! :)
autumn midnights chapter 1 . 4/2/2012
Poor Seamus! I'm guessing the girl was Lavender, considering that most people pair them up, and she was severely injured by Greyback in the final battle. It was really well-written, first of all, and I think you characterized Seamus quite well. I didn't notice any spelling/grammar mistakes, either, which is really good, so great job on that as well. It was angsty, but since that was the general idea, you pulled that off really well. Basically, good job on this!
The Last Poison Apple chapter 1 . 4/2/2012
This was really sad. I think it really reminds us what war's really like -losing people you love unexpectedly. I think that line you put up there ("It's hard to deal with the pain of you everywhere I go") really fits the story. And after I finished reading the fic I went back up and read that line again, and it just seemed to tie in so neatly. My heart really went out to Seamus when I saw that line because, y'know, it was just that heartbreaking to realize that Seamus lost so much and he has to deal with thinking about the girl he lost for every day he lives on past her. And that's really sad. For me, that one line made the whole thing really deep.

Also, I like how you kept the story short and simple. Short, because it was fitting: she didn't live for very long, and it wasn't long before he started mourning. Simple, because in death there's a certain simplicity.

So overall, I'd give this two thumbs up. Nice job. :)
Mr Bellatrix Lestrange chapter 1 . 4/1/2012
Ohsomuchangst! Poor Seamus, but he's completely right. He couldn't possibly just mourn then, not when the heat of things continued, as life moves on. Lately I've been seeing a lot of BoH fics circulating around, and this one was one of the good ones. Nicely done.
Lady Phoenix Fire Rose chapter 1 . 4/1/2012
That was so sad. I feel so sorry for Seamus. If I cried easily when reading stories or watching movies I would have cried. It was just so heartbreaking. I think you did a good job using your word.
ProfessorSquirrell chapter 1 . 4/1/2012
This was really moving and I really really want to know who the girl is. But at the same time I think that not knowing is part of what makes this fic work because it let's you focus more on the Dean/Seamus friendship. Seamus is such a strong character here and I love the way you've portrayed him. I like the way you've captured the violence of the battle too. Really well done.
Someone aka Me chapter 1 . 4/1/2012
One of those questions that you ask but don't need the answer?

I have to say, being a Dean/Seamus shipper, Seamus/Lavender is hard for me, but this was still very well done. Seamus's pain is really strong and very well done.

'course, my favorite paragraph is the last one, but I'm willing to admit that I'm a bit biased in that regard :D

I can't even say what in particular I love about this, but it feels very, very /strong/ to me.

I'm one of those who believes Lavender lived, in the book, but the way you wrote this, you made it almost seem inevitable, which I really like.

I really like this line. "Seamus wanted to growl, yell, scream, but he knew none of that would help him at this moment."

This whole thing is just really powerful, for how short it is. Nice job. :D

smallpaperstars chapter 1 . 4/1/2012
Oh, this was beautiful. It was true heroism - putting your heart aside to help others. Lovely job.
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