Reviews for Communication
SilentN chapter 1 . 6/4/2017
I saw this on DeviantArt before, and now I had just found it here too! Now I shall fav it on both sites. :D

Also, I really like the writing style you use in this story. It's simple, yet suspenseful. Back when I had first read this on DA about a year ago, I was in the process of writing a Zelda fanfic myself and had quite a bit written (albeit not yet uploaded), but after seeing your writing style and feeling inspired by it, I had decided to redo mine to be similar. I'm definitely not as good at it as you, but coming across this again has gotten me thinking about how I can improve.
Anyhow, I've said it before and I'll say it again; great story!
madlink007 chapter 1 . 12/18/2013
if this started out as a joke then you failed. if this is supposed to support ruto x link fics then this is solid gold.
crossoverfanofanime chapter 1 . 6/18/2012
Aw.. L really like this pairing. Poor ruto. I liked the alternate ending where he gets to see ruto
I'm Solo chapter 1 . 4/26/2012
I have to say that for this being an April fools joke I thought you would just rag on the pairing but you went and made a GOOD story! I take it you were not a fan of the pairing but after writing about them you see the same things that I do...That they are a pairing that has the most DEPTH out of any from that game.

When one stops and think's about just what they would have to go through just to be together it often seems like a "lost" type of love but I think the real magic of this pairing is them as people since we see that Ruto is very active with people while Link is not so much and yet both are willing to do what it take's to get things them a great mesh.

Again I really enjoyed this and hopefully you will write another story about this fine pair.
Richy1991 chapter 1 . 4/21/2012
mm good stroy,very good story