Reviews for Pandas and Chameleons
pppPppp chapter 1 . 1/31
this is so cute!
Lotus Sword chapter 1 . 5/31/2014
Kawaii! *squeals* I don't often read stories about minor characters but this one is really nice! :3
RaspberryDevil chapter 1 . 6/6/2012
Nah, why do I see these stories so late ó_ò Honestly, I'm happy to find a writer like you who pays attention to minor characters. You have a nice writing style (well, I'm repeating myself /D) and I see that you try to give the character a personality :3 Well, this short storie was really cute. I like Kame Reon but didn't know Takeo, so I liked this even more 'cause I was learning something. Anyway, great story. Keep it up O
Yurika Schiffer chapter 1 . 4/9/2012
Awww ! It's so cute :3

(sorry for the totally useless review but I just woke up so I can't think very well ")
Snoi chapter 1 . 4/8/2012
I love the Nosei team, it's a shame they aren't very popular in fanart and whatnot.

This story was great; I've never thought of a potential friendship between Ban and Kame so this was a really interesting read. I can only hope you decide to write more on these kids. Still, this story made me grin like an idiot, it was insanely cute.