Reviews for 11 Vials
Guest chapter 1 . 9/13
Omhybloodyfuckingoodness this is amazing!
island.dred.insomniac chapter 12 . 4/22
This is great! This was really great! Thank you for sharing this story.

Guest chapter 9 . 4/10/2018
Love it
Guest chapter 12 . 1/7/2018
I've read the most favs Bellamione stories, they are great, but you are the only author that made my heart bleed. You are something else... so deep, so real... please, please, please, write more bellamione...
popzoda chapter 1 . 10/20/2017
You gotta hear me out: i fucking CRIED! It’s the only bellamione story to make me cry and honestly i wanna curse you hahaha. But i cant!

I dont know where you are what you do who you are but i really do hope you log in again and start a new story because you ARE my favorite author. You’re the only one i have faved seriously. Please come back and make me cry again!
Yyelyah chapter 12 . 12/24/2016
Really amazing story, full of emotions
Fishing Gurl chapter 12 . 11/16/2016
I hope you are planning a sequel or something because this is so damn good.
MilandaAnza chapter 12 . 8/4/2016
Oh god that ending was so sad. I loved the stories but feel like I could cry, well written tho
Guest chapter 12 . 8/3/2015
This was the first bellamione story I ever read. Now I've just completed it for the seventh time. ITS STILL SO SAD BUT SO AMAZING! ;-; :C (I have them a happy ending in my head so... :L)
Ryuuken K chapter 12 . 7/7/2015
This was wonderful. Not exactly a happy ending, but no less fulfilling.
fanficfankim chapter 12 . 6/14/2015
Leolaws chapter 12 . 4/14/2015
This feels like it's over, but anyway, it was heart breaking and beautiful. So full of emotions, and I have to say, I find your Bellatrix very attractive. So yeah, thanks for sharing it was delicious to read.
Origin Unknown chapter 12 . 4/5/2015
(My previous review accidentally was cut off, so I'm just continuing it; sorry for the super long review)
Your 'Filum lucidus' and 'Lux maxima' spells were fantastical to read about. In seeing the spells that Bella casts, it's understandable as to why she gets so fed up when Hermione uses a simple 'Stupefy'.
It also adds to an appreciation of Bella herself; while this is not actually canon, you get a feel that this would very likely be true of her beautiful nature.
You have a wonderful writing style, so please keep up the good work. I would love to read more of your future works. Thank you for writing.
Origin Unknown chapter 12 . 4/5/2015
I just reviewed this a few hours ago, and after finishing, I needed to add to it.
Tears are flowing down my face as I am typing this. That last chapter broke me. While the angst was present throughout the story, it really hit me hard in the last chapter.
And you know when you read a story, and something about it is just done so fabulously that it connects you to the realities of the outside world? In reading about Hermione and thinking of her life without Bella in it anymore, it brought to me the true realization of losing a loved one. Of realizing that from now on, whether it's a world of magic or not, that beloved person will never again look at you that certain way, or hold you close and whisper beautiful things, or kiss you so passionately you can't help but become blissfully addicted. The use of the vials, an extension of old photographs and diaries and memories, demonstrated how that was all she had left of Bella, and that while she could relive those over and over again, there would be no new memories; that she was truly deceased. And yet, the story still ends with Hermione smiling to herself.
I was wondering if Bella would be making an appearance at the end as sort of a plot twist, but there was a point when I realized that you, being a fabulous writer with an intent in mind for this story, would not be bringing her back. What would that accomplish? Yes, it would have saved all of our broken hearts, and there would still be that warm, loving feeling; but, the true feeling you intended would be gone. That aching love felt for the deceased cannot be replaced, and you did fantastically well in conveying this. I don't think I truly grasped the concept until reading this.
On a slightly happier note, I loved your use of magic in this story, and how it was the connecting force between them. Your 'Lux maxi
Origin Unknown chapter 9 . 4/5/2015
I really like this. The way you've structured the story in regards to the past tense events is fantastic, and it's interesting that you're writing the memories from Bella's pov because that's the way Hermione sees them.
Your style also flows very nicely, and your descriptive imagery is great.
Keep up the good work!
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