Reviews for Silent Love
NicoleBL chapter 1 . 11/18/2013
God only knows how I LOVED THIS! you did an AMAZING work! it was perfect, though I really wished that Tsuna would lose control and take 'Dera to bed to do it, AWWWW x333! why can't people see how adorable this pairing is! they need more fics and more fans :( .. keep writing for the sake of this love *hearts*
incurableinsanity chapter 1 . 7/30/2013
This is cute and sweet. I love it. Nice work :)
G.Vongola.Primo.Generation02 chapter 1 . 11/19/2012
*faints* Lol I love your 2759! You must write more G02! (Giotto/G) Because you are awesome! :) Hehe I don't know... Sorry for getting all weird and demanding on your review thingy...
Xoe-Indigo chapter 1 . 4/20/2012
That was so sweet 3 probably the sweetest 2759 story I've ever read! Thank you so much for sharing! I especially loved the end when they fell asleep in each other's arms it was very innocent and full of love :)
saruko chapter 1 . 4/12/2012
Oh My God! It was so sweet! I feel like I've just watched a movie! This type of movie suits me! Romance was little and fast but deep and sweet! I like how you made it just ''flow'' into place! Soft, so soft and simple!

Aw Gokudera-kun's sniffing his Juudaime! Cute! Like a little kitten! (like my cat Kiku, she always nuzzles me no matter wherever she was, on my chest or on my lap)

Ahem in sum this is a really cute movi- I mean fanfic!
aloneortogethr chapter 1 . 4/12/2012
BAKA TSUNA! Why didn't you take Gokudera-sama to your bedroom! xD

Oh well, great story though. I love it! :)

Can't wait for more 2759/5927~!
Phantom Hitman 1412 chapter 1 . 4/12/2012
This was so cute and adorable and lovely and amazing and touching!

This is my fav pairing out of anime in general, so I love finding this stuff and I wasn't disappointed with this fic. I'm just really glad that Gokudera didn't die- that makes me really sad.

The little scene in the office was such a joy to read and totally set off the fangirl inside, lol.

And the little bed scene at the end was cute too.

Please keep on writing this awesome pairing!
cercueil noir chapter 1 . 4/12/2012
Aw, they're so romantic and cute! I can't wait for more! :D
Harco8059 chapter 1 . 4/12/2012
Love! Love! Love! Fanfiction world needs more 2759... This pairing needs more fans... It's really lovely.. I love it.. One of these days I'm gonna write 2759 fic... yay! Love this fic.. Write more and spread the love of 2759.. Yay!