Reviews for A Chance to Live
PiffyEQ chapter 16 . 9h
The timeline has already changed, so why would he want Sev to join the Death Eaters? I honestly hope that Sev doesn't. It is a bit disappointing that he won't even try to prevent it from happening.
Violet Zaripova chapter 16 . 10h
OH MY GOT! It's here! It really is, I am not dreaming!
Thank you sooooooo much for picking it up. I just love the way you write your characters! Also enjoyed new interactions Evan had with some familiar (and not so familiar ) faces!
This chapter brought so much joy to me, thank you for posting!
Serpent91 chapter 16 . 13h
Very well written!
Guest chapter 16 . 14h
Omg omg omg I can't believe it's been updated it's really late I'll read it tomorrow thank you
Guest chapter 15 . 7/17
Wtf man its been like three years! You can't leave people on an emotional cliff hanger like that!
Guest chapter 15 . 3/12
So... about those two chapters you had nearly finished...

You could at the very least post us some notes on how you had planned this to end.
Guest chapter 8 . 3/9
I really don't understand why Evan was supposed to stop flying/playing Quidditch (why take one if the few things Harry was really good at and loved away from him?), and if he does, he could just say the stage fright is Quidditch- or even competition-related.

I also don't understand the sudden potions talent/interest and the obsession with finding an antivenom for Nagini's bite. When Arthur gets bitten, the Order has antivenom and there's is no reason to assume a time traveller is needed to have invented it. Besides, Snape is capable enough to do the work himself - he has access to that bloody snake for about 18 months before Arthur is attacked...
Guest chapter 7 . 3/9
Oh man, I would so have put some chips on his plate.
Guest chapter 6 . 3/8
Ah, what a missed opportunity to mention that Lockhart, Gilderoy was Sorted into Ravenclaw!

And uhm... By the time he meets Ginny again he is too old for her, but to call him an old man when wizard lifespan is like 120 or so?
Teaslemper chapter 2 . 3/8
Do you realize Hogwarts classes only start at 9.00?
And if you know anything about teenagers or have been one yourself, you would know that getting up at 6.30 (why? It's not like it will be too hot during the day or something) goes very much against teens' natural circadian rhythm. If you want them to perform optimally, you delay this whole schedule a couple of hours. I'm looking at you, American high schools.
Violet Zaripova chapter 15 . 10/8/2019
I just read the whole thing in one go!
And it's amazing! I truly hope that you'll find your way to it again some day and share it with us.
saralindsay chapter 15 . 6/15/2019
Guest chapter 5 . 4/15/2019
Harry's life sounds seriously fucked up. I can't imagine that this whole spiel is worth it. At least I haven't gotten that impression.
Munku-JGSPTV chapter 15 . 6/6/2018
Wow this fic! But seriously can you please update? It’s just starting to get to the really good bits! I had this story on alerts since 2012 and I’m just rereading now. What happened? Anything I can do to motivate you to keep writing and posting? Your characterisation of Severus is perfect and I love the idea of Harry helping himself through the tile travel adjustments.
CasterCane chapter 15 . 6/4/2018
Hi. I have just read the whole of this story. Please can you continue writing it. This has a good plot line and I can't wait to see what happens next.
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