Reviews for The Dry Wind Future
BatShitCrazy21 chapter 1 . 8/27/2015
So cute! I loved it:)
Fi Suki Saki chapter 1 . 4/19/2015
While I still think the English subtitle on the moment of Yuuri's future was wrong or not typed long enough, this fic is really really Great !

Well, we do know or so everyone mentioned that in Novel Yuuram hints is more canon and deep. So I do believe Yuuri does have deep feeling of love toward Wolfram. he just doesn't realise it yet. and it's not like he have rival or someone who threatening his relationship with Wolf. the one that could make him jealous or protective.

piercedbutterfly chapter 1 . 5/29/2013
is there a sequel? plz say yes! :) if there is, what's the title? awesome story btw!
damons-hot-as-hell chapter 1 . 1/11/2013
oh damn i love the way u wrote out what he saw in the machine and the reasons behind it.. and awwwwww u sooo shld have written a sequel to it, im interested to see what wld have happened in there lifes after that
Dream As I Read chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
Omigod. The beginning is so poignantly beautiful and just...just...sad... It's...unbelievable. But thank you for the seemingly perfect ending. I'm glad that Yuuri is accepting gradually innstead of an instant 180 degree turn. This is much more believable.
Blood Masks chapter 1 . 8/25/2012
That was actually really surprising, in a good way.
I have had my own share of time wondering exactly what those two might have seen but your version was so really cool and unexpected. This sort of continuation/extra to the anime story are usually either fluffy and off character (but cute) or in character but with little substance, but you managed to get the best of both worlds, so congrats!
I loved that Yuuri's worst fear was basically just hurting Wolf, it's very sweet in his own way :)
LaCoquette chapter 1 . 7/13/2012
Brava! claps hand widly and enthusiastically! my goodness this fiction of your is far more satisfying than the end of that episode that left me depressed at thinking how a future in which wolfram loved him was something to be avoided, and the fact that even at that moment he doubted the blondes feeling. oh God your wolfram was so painfully beautiful, forlorn and broken yet still hopeful of a brighter future wherin at last he will be loved.
anon azure chapter 1 . 5/9/2012
uwhaaaa I love it!
Meda Princess chapter 1 . 5/7/2012
Thought I'd see what else you had here, and you have not disappointed. 3 Once again, you amaze me with you attention to detail and your remarkable ability to keep the characters in character. And I love how you took Yuri's ambiguous statement and created the scene of future he saw. 3

I'd love to see more of this pair, though I'm afraid I don't really have any ideas for you, I'm s bit swamped with my own at the moment. *watches growing pile of Naruto plot bunnies* ItaDei attacked me this weekend. *head shake* How do I get into these crack pairings?
Merieth chapter 1 . 4/28/2012
Very well written and interesting story. Can't wait for next chapter!
jessyvaga chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
WOW! That was really good! You were consistent with the show and you were able to weave your own story with it. this was fantastic!
Raywolf Shibelt chapter 1 . 4/21/2012
I'm really, really liking this story very much. Thanks so much for sharing. I wish there'd be more to come...
Maizy chapter 1 . 4/21/2012
This was wery good. Thank you for the explenation of Yuuri's most feared future. You almost made me cry because of the desperation Wolfram was staying beside Yuuri with. I hope I will never see this future happen.)
BirdsOfFreedom chapter 1 . 4/20/2012
Great story, I love how you show just how much Wolfram loves Yuuri and I like how you return his feelings! Thank you :D
Crystal Hope Dragon chapter 1 . 4/20/2012
I loved this. The plot, the development, even the grammar! Please continue, I want to see what happens next!
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