Reviews for Heir to the Crown
haylesanthony5 chapter 5 . 2/20
you really name the abillties of the crown of the seven after the acive in trinity seven\
Borello chapter 5 . 3/9/2019
come on. i hoped to read more chapter.
swordsmanwielder chapter 4 . 10/18/2017
I gotta say, this is a very interesting story you got there and it made me wonder when or what will happens next as I'm sure there would be some kind of different battle on the bridge, or is it? Anyway, good luck on the next chapter.
Anime100 chapter 4 . 2/6/2016
This is truly very interesting to read; please update soon
frozem1 chapter 5 . 12/11/2015
I liked the chapter!
narmulti chapter 5 . 4/7/2015
Good story keep it up and UPDATE SOON
Animaman chapter 4 . 1/15/2015
Well, this is a story that is long past due for an update. Keep going and maybe along the way, Kyubi would reveal who Naruto's parents are and also help Naruto dealing with the council by pointing out how badly they've weaken Konoha between sabotaging Naruto and making Sasuke the top of the class.
XxAshishxX chapter 5 . 11/14/2014
Update soon. Need more of your story
Shadow Amazon chapter 5 . 11/8/2014
I understand how you feel. That the author of the series of naruto just pulled a j.k. Rowling on all his readers. I feel like my childhood was ripped from me. Anyone who read or watch naruto should know that real pairing should have been narusaku. I just ask of you continue writing your narusaku fanfic, honestly reading your narusaku fanfics helps to filled the void in my heart. I am sure it does for your other followers.
SinisterXP chapter 5 . 11/7/2014
Dude I so agree with you i was hoping for a Naruto and Sakura ending to and was confused by his sons name. Who names a kid Bolt? Maybe as a nick name but come on.
Harpy81 chapter 5 . 11/7/2014
His actual name is the japenese version is boruto as a reference to both his father and neji hyuuga whose name means screw that's probaly why they call him bolt is the English version
Shin'en of the Chaotic Destiny chapter 5 . 11/7/2014
It not Bolt it's Boruto Uzumaki. Also the Story of Naruto is over with one last movie, but The Story of Boruto will begin in Spring 2015. So it's not over just a new generation is taking over for the old, with new characters and enemies I'm sure it will be Epic. So be on the look out for BORUTO.


PS: So don't stop your story, just because Naruto ended. Your Story will be different and it's own ending with your choices not Kishimoto.
Harmonian Shinobi chapter 5 . 11/7/2014
I think Naruto and Hinata chose Bolt because they wanted to honor Neji. Neji means screw. So a Bolt and Screw
sebastian.lindgren.3 chapter 4 . 5/3/2014
nice story but when will you update this agin i hope soon :)
visitante16 chapter 4 . 3/4/2014
seria interessante se vc fizesse uma continuação pra essa história de uma ideia q eu tive.
eu n tenho conta aqui e tb n sei escrever.
espero q então considere.
assim, pelo q foi dito aki, naruto tem o poder de ir contra kami,
além de jogar uma chave nos seus planos pois o destino não o governa,
tb ele é para trazer o CAOS ao seu mundo(kami).

ideia: sabemos q nessa história naruto é meio cinza, tanto proporções iguais entre sol e lua,
pela tua metáfora. sendo assim ele absorve o poder da kyuubi se livra dele, põe em outro lugar tb do "anjo"
dentro dele, ta p**** com o mundo dele vai ate os SUPERIORES e os põe pra baixo.
apartir daí ele será equilibrado, quero dizer não será mal pode recuperar um pouco do q era mas n idiota,
e recria tudo assumindo nome de caos.
lógico isso seria um crossover naruxpercy.
n seria ele se metendo em td, mas vm la n seria naruto sem um pouco de brincadeiras, uzumaki sem causar caos e namikaze sem uma onda dos dois.
n pus aki cm faria para se tornar isso mas ele poderia absrver o PODER dos kamis se tornando um e isso tb da muita nmargem de navegação.

ja to perdendo tempo aki. Mas escreva nessa base ai pd ser? se alguém ver esse comentário e decidir escrever em cima disso eu seria muito grato e pra eu saber gostaria q respondesse a esse comentário
pra eu ler e n sei cm funciona a política de plágio aki então falar c esse autor se n for ele.
e por favor ressurretion of the Forgotten continua a história!
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