Reviews for Shaken
EmeraldTyphoon47 chapter 1 . 2/15/2014
Very well-written story. The way you described the Korra's emotions is quite impressive and the way you wrote this makes it easy to empathize with her.
JackieStarSister chapter 1 . 12/18/2012
This is very well done; it's short but to the point, and is in-character for both of them.
OneWiththeChi chapter 1 . 4/25/2012
Wow this is amazing. You capture the emotions of the scene completely. So dark and frightening,yet so awesome.
Leemix chapter 1 . 4/24/2012
Yet again, you cease to amaze me Pippa. You managed to tap into the mindset of Korra perfectly, and that doesn't seem like an easy feat to do, considering how headstrong she can be. But you managed to prove me wrong, and I love the delicate, yet subtle details of the way his scarf smelled, and how it brought her comfort. It was almost as if, even if the Avatar was meant to be spiritual and natural, industry can provide more security.

I love how this didn't specifically focus on their romance, but gave enough to make me feel satisfied. Mako is...quite a hard character to define, but you seemed to convey his thoughts phenomenally. It had me almost on the brink of tears, and although that isn't hard to accomplish, this had been an absolute pleasure to read. You really have an awesome talent for writing, and I really hope to see more from you for Korra and the gang in the future.

By the way, I adored this line: 'They were just grains of sand on a beach, in a place where they certainly were not wanted.' How ironic, when it was benders that set this city up in the first place, as a haven of peace and for all people to co-exist in harmony with one another. How easily one era can end...


Man, you're making me cry again. I'm suing you.
ParamoreXO chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
What a lovely bit of introspect! I really enjoyed reading this drabble. You were able to tap into the mindset of both Korra and Mako very casually, it almost seemed effortless with the way you write. That's very impressive and certainly shows off your skill. Another thing I'd like to note is the way Korra finds comfort in the scent of Mako's scarf. This could serve as a double meaning for a romantic interest in him and I absolutely love how subtly you've conveyed that.

Overall, a wonderful job!
Alimoe chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
Great reflection. I enjoyed reading it.