Reviews for Europa War II
Cobalt Striker Gundam chapter 14 . 5/27/2015
This fic rules man thank you.
kingdom hearts guy chapter 14 . 4/28/2015
maybe so, but, hey, he's got guts, so, yeah, keep updating soon, okay? i want to see how this happens
DragonKnight15 chapter 14 . 4/24/2015
Oh boy... this chapter should be called Squad 7 Defeated.

Anyway... this chapter was wow, since Vine, injured, had to deal with three while the leader of theirs was watching, not at all impressed by Vine's mad skills in taking down the other three... only be careless and backfire across his face as he was crushed by a building.

And to make the wound even more painful, Squad 7 was taken captured to be executed! Even Isara who manage to escape with Riela were still captured too. Can Vine get himself out of this mess and save his team before they're killed of and Gailla's only hope crushed by the Empire.

Oh no dud Vine is happy. He doesn't have to play hero this time... for now at the least, and besides... this makes more sense since this is Vine in his early years before becoming the Raging Blast. SO THIS MAKES MORE SENSE than losing to a crazy cat man with Mustang. WTF were you thinking. I would accept Kaito being the one to put them both down, but his crazy mad beast... I just can't accept that... at all.
Jacob9594 chapter 14 . 4/23/2015
Well Vineman is going to be annoyed once he wake up. This chapter was interesting
DragonKnight15 chapter 13 . 7/26/2013
The title of today's chapter only made me think of... Selveria. Why? I don't know... BECAUSE EVEN VINE SAID SHE'S TOO STRONG TO BEAT. But I guess... this is alright too... well more really. With how this chapter played out, I didn't care so much.

So... umm... The Imperial have their own Alchemist? Last I check, this is freaking weird... but I suppose there's more to this than meets the eye. I mean... A WHOLE LOT!

Anyway, it seem to upset Vine and even worried the rest of Squad 7 with this, thinking there's a alchemist who's killing off people with pleasure. I mean that's freaking insane, with the corpse of so many people around. So that's all we know... and Vine just tells the rest that there's more than one. So pretty much, this is a troublesome danger.

Well it gets worse as Welkin and Alicia returned, and being that they might be sent to deal with the rouge alchemist... or alchemists? I kinda knew that when Vine does wise cracks, it's because to make him more relax for the worst to come. He's right about doing that, or else he wouldn't be... Vine. So bad news... Captain Varrot tells them that they leave now. Well, doesn't Squad 7 feel special to deal with the insane things in their fight against the Imperial.

So this is now turning into a Terror Fanfic with an entire village, destroyed, covered with blood, and multiple bodies. I'm surprised there even bodies, although it would be insane if they were chopped, and eaten. Gross. Anyway... oh cool! Okay, this chapter was not a waste! No chapter never is, because Squad 7 and Vine meet Riela, the Grim Reaper of bad luck... or just a lucky, and later revealed Valkyria too. And I laugh my butt off when Alicia had one of her moments, whacking Vine for trying to interrogate a nice girl like Riela. I mean, Vine can be too serious if he thinks something is up... I'm surprised Alicia never said that she can heal fast too. I think?

Whatever, the murdering alchemist appeared... and Vine went to handle him... and her? Two of them. And by how Vine was dealing with both Rendon and Aubrey, he knew those two didn't have the power to cause so much destruction alone... AND THEN A THIRD ONE APPEARS! Geez, this was a shocker. Well Vine did say there would be more than one. But at least he can handle the other two and this new one, Simon, with... WTF? There's a fourth! And his name is no special to just being called boss. This was one hell of a twisty chapter, with four dangerous alchemist to deal with, and Vine injured, can he stop all four? Man, this was a good chapter!
chidoriprime chapter 12 . 4/4/2013
Yes, new chapter, Johann shows up, and the War of the Pig is about to began!
It's another well-written chapter, though it is kind of short, Ah well, a good chapter is a good chapter. Thanks you!
DragonKnight15 chapter 12 . 4/4/2013
Awesome, new chapter for how good it will be!

Edelweiss vs Lupus; so pretty much, it's aclash of which tank can handle who while the others in Squad 7 try their best to handle and disarm the Imperial soldiers. Of course, this made Jaeger to make a retreat for the non-soldiers. At least he cares for his men huh?

And Vine... well, after breaking a few bones and order the young Johann to take the others non-soldiers around the battlefield to fled away, he went to handle the Lupus... and pretty much did nothing but prove that Vine can't lose. I mean sure, they could have captured Jaeger and won a major battle, but they couldn't because they have their men to worry about and they prove they won, nothing bad about it.

So the Gailian Squad 7 won another battle and Vine has a new teammate... who's a pig. How unlucky for him to accept that, but he has to get used to those facts no? And I learn a bit more on the relationship that Vine and Alicia have. They're good friends, well at times when Vine isn't acting like himself. Not to mention Alicia is Hans' bodyguard from Vine's stomach. Hehehe.

Even in defeat, Jarger isn't as mad and that's what makes him unique. Why do I have a feeling that what Maximillian said meant that he'll send Selveria to eliminate Vine and Squad 7. At any rate, I can't wait for next time. By the way, is it true on the what if Lelouch had a chess game with Maximillian?
DragonKnight15 chapter 11 . 3/4/2013
Huh? New chapter, this should be fun.

At any rate... I'm not surprised goat droppings don't effect Vine, why not? He's not a germ freak, but he is a pork eating one when they found Hans. So when man meets a winged pig starts like this, with breakfast and learning that Vine does eat other animals... that's almost distributing. Too distributing.

Well, Squad 7 now have their path to lead and Welkin, as the nice guy he is, puts Vine in charge for the great sneak attack. Can he do it? Well let's hope so or will his nerves towards Rosie get the best out of him... which was by a little.

And with Vine, it was easier to blow away the snipers, but of course, he needed to improvise! And yes he did, as he had to crave a transmuting circle on the back of his hand! Well it will be done when Mustang does it to destroy Lust. So why not for Vine, and boy did that work. However, the fight is not over as Jaeger enters the battlefield with his own tank. Can Isara andthe Edelweiss handle the Lupus... I'm not going to say, let's find that out next time.
DragonKnight15 chapter 10 . 12/1/2012
Man I forgot we thought Vine is dead, but he's alive but... AW! Never mind!

Anywho! Seems Miss Reporter Lady got to overheaded with her report and her golden story of Vine's dead in battle. Man... just when we knew who Vine was, this happens but I guess that's life for you. It was rich when Faldio told Vine and Welkin that the still unnamed Raging Blast was dead and Vine just said it was a shame... and then was surprise to hear it was him. HAHAHA. So now he has to clear his name before it comes bad.

Sadly it was as Irene Ellet manage to spread this 'rumor' to everyone, from a lot to Alicia to Susie. Man... just a bad day to be Vine for the youngest members of Squad 7 to be mad that those rumors said he was dead and gotten worse. Not to mention to make Aisha to cry and Isara to be sadden. Imagine Susie.

Well at any rate, Welkin manages to form a plan to solve everything... sort of. Bringing everyone together and to explain that everything was a big misunderstanding, but it was just hard to do so when everyone couldn't let him speak. And then Vine just rush in like a moron and burst out like an idiot. Man... that's really going to help... not really? Alicia shouted in anger that Vine lied about everything but it wasn't his fault like always. Blame Vine, blame the Dark Hair, blame the alchemist, that's all Vine for you.

In some miracle or... better yet outburst from Vine's part that he should have been dead and Susie protest and that it was her fault but Vine said it wasn't because he was careless and being a hero, which Rosie protest... Sigh, everything was clear off. And Ellet's big scoop became a big doodoo. At least things are clear off... too bad Vine suffer for that like always. That's Vine for you.
DragonKnight15 chapter 9 . 10/29/2012
I'm not surprise Vine would be out for like a few days. I was hoping for maybe two weeks like a short coma... but it's odd... HE TOOK 8 BULLETS ON HIS BACK, PROTECTED SUSIE AND BROUGHT HER BACK WHILE STILL BREATHING! Is Vine... Superboy? I wanted to say Superman but he would have taken 8000 bullets and it wouldn't harm him.

Well I wouldn't be surprised he did surprised, he's Vine! A man who actually walk through hell and told a nice nurse about it... she might need a dayoff for that and Susie... poor Susie. Vine needs to cheer her up before he does something else, and to eat bread too. Some guy, he survive without any permerant injuries nor brain damage and he wants to eat? Some guy to admire... but maybe he should keep that weird bullet necklace. Might be a nice good luck charm... hehehe.

Great... reporters, HA! I knew Vine didn't like them, but man did that Irene got the wrong info about Vine's death that he told Faldio to get him mad and find out the truth... even more from Lango that she's convince to learn more and more... I have a bad feeling because Susie might learn of this and well... OH GOD!

AH! There are two things no one can't understand, death and noisy reporters! Hope Vine can protect his good name for being a dead man. Hahaha. Poor guy. Can't wait to see how this will turn out.
DragonKnight15 chapter 8 . 9/17/2012
Time for Welkin's crazy plan to work! And it has too.

Who knew a Nature freak would be one's greatest ally. Technology still has things to learn from nature! With Welkin's knowledge about a bird and even perdicted it to Vine as he and the others of the Sevens rest up, a fog covers up the morning dawn as they march through with Welkin's plan. And who knew a tank could be a sub! Isara knows her stuff.

But let's get to the fun part, the rage between Vine and Rosie as Alicia somehow gets herself in the middle of the wet and smelly river. Who knew huh? I have to admit it's just too fun that you wouldn't do that and you did! Hahaha... what a life!

Thanks to Welkin's clever plan and Vine's own brilliant moments to bungy jumping a sniper, trick the Imps with a disguise and pretty much stop the execution of innocent people, Raging Blast proves his blast once more.

OH GOD! I shouldn't be surprise that after saving Susie from Imps, taking back the bridge and winning this battle, that there wouldn't be any injuries but there were and that one person was Vine. I can't help it but say that Vine knows how to endure pain better than anyone else.
DragonKnight15 chapter 7 . 8/27/2012
Once again, a new mission that's crazier than the last one! A huge bridge, Randgriz on the knife's point, a huge Imperial Army with badass tanks of massive destruction and Squad 7 is the only hope to restore the bridge of Vassel... Well there's one up-side... and that's Vine.

He... even with his swords which I bet it took him a while before he learn how to transmute them, was just too strong for those imperials and their fancy tanks. Aside from that, he was a one man army. Lango should watch who he's talking about or he'll be the one being blown to pieces.

Guess now Vine will have to save the prisoners that the Empire captured and somehow find Squad 7. No tank is nothing compare to the Edelweiss, especially now with a man riding on it. And then Vine appears and crushes another tank aside from the three he has taken down. And yet very little 'thanks' to his Squad or the fact that he was crazy enough to pull it off. Then again, he's Vine.

Those who hate those who are different are scum, but those who don't want to protect those who need help are worser than scum... Kinda funny how I use Kakashi's line and rechange it. I just felt it was something Vine would tell Rosie for thinking that the Darcsen prisoners deserve to die because it didn't suit her to save them. Now Welkin is putting his faith on Vine's idea and decides to pull one crazy bet on Largo to retake the bridge in less than 48 hours! Can they do it? Guess we'll learn next time no?
James chapter 6 . 8/17/2012
Wooow go Vine such good philosophical points he made. I'm sorry if I sound stupid but why are kids in the militia?
Dalek chapter 4 . 8/15/2012
This just makes me want to cry. exterminate.
DragonKnight15 chapter 6 . 8/11/2012
Today's its Vine's normal day in Sqaud 7 of his own style, his own life. We needed to get to see Vine befriending new friends, rivals and enemies in the Gallian Army.

After still not used to Squad 7 for so many reasons, Vine just tries to enjoy his day of calm... sort of. Being challenge by Rosina because Vine works out and it might be a weak Darcsen training... someone like Vine so doesn't need that. But who said a good spar can't form a bond... because it work! Thanks to their small brawl, Vine has gain a respect to his teammate.

Later, he befriends the two Bielert Brothers and are thankful for Vine's helping them. Then Vine had to made enemies to hating Alchemist which was just bad. Now why didn't Vine fought back like Isara wanted to see... simple, Vine is awesome. Why should he get his hands dirty against a couple of thugs for no reason to only defend his honor? True honor is to do what's right without being selfish. If it takes for Vine to be beaten up some more, he'll do it because he's awesome.

Next day... it's a show and dinner! Vine did a noble act to fix Aisha's earrings without letting her know it was him and all thanks to Alchemy... which those thugs have to return for round two. I like Vine always thinking positive even in harsh situations, that's why he's an awesome guy to get and be friends with. Sadly he's a bad actor as Aisha had to rush in and thank him for fixing her earrings and get caught in a bad spot. Even though Oscar and Emile step in, those ten jerks would only make things worse until Vine step it. Getting his hands dirty is okay if it means to protect his comrades, that's the Vine way!

Huh? For doing noble acts, Vine has started to form a bond with Squad 7, which further proves that Welkin is enjoying Vine even more and Isara the same. And Vine is going to need that because it Squad 7 has been called for a new mission. Wonder how this new mission will happen next?
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