Reviews for Pretty Boy
Alex chapter 20 . 3/29
Awesome story
MindGeek chapter 1 . 2/5/2019
Already read this once bit it deserves a second read. Story was great. Fucking loved everything minus the incest but I got over that.
Guest chapter 2 . 8/13/2017
there are actually identical twins of different sexes it's rare but not impossible.
NoahEarlGraves chapter 20 . 5/16/2015
This... is such a sweet story! XD
Guest chapter 4 . 3/16/2015
This was a confusing chapter
Yami no Tsuki chapter 1 . 11/21/2014
This is really annoying me, because suddenly Kaoru's gender identity changes just because he has the body of a girl. He's still a boy, you know. -.-
And yes, yes, I DO realise that it is a fanfic, not real life, and you are perfectly within your rights to write what you like, and I'm sure that there are people who are less sensitive than me who like this.
However, if I were transgender, I would PROBABLY be really pissed off. I'm not though, so I'm just mildly irritated and I don't think it's in my best interests to read more.
Ginger chapter 4 . 10/23/2013
Technically "Damare" means "shut the f*** up."
The 11 Tailed Vegetable chapter 18 . 10/10/2013
God, every time I read this, I end up crying! You are just so amazing! I've read this about a dozen times, and it's still as sweet and tender as the very first time. I've been writing a lot since I first reviewed, but I'm still nowhere near this good... Thank you so much, Amber-chan, for continuously restoring my faith in humanity!
DeaththeKidlover123 chapter 20 . 8/30/2013
loved it
KIRI NO BASHOE chapter 17 . 5/13/2013
LOL! I just go and tried the Love calculator thing and after I searched for Hikaru and Karu they were a 31% match ( sad life... )
And when I go search for Tamaki and Haruhi it was 0%. ( HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! )
Just for additional information, you were a 13% with Hika and a 44% with Kaoru!
KIRI NO BASHOE chapter 16 . 5/13/2013
YAY! I was also curious about how on earth did Kao-chan became a girl. I mean HELLO! That's not something that can be explained with human LOGIC! ( the body parts MAYBE can imagine a little, but period ?!... )
I also always wanted to ask this question, but I wanted to keep calm and just see if it's going to be revealed in the next few chpt...
By the way, I have this HUGE urge to draw some Kao-chans as a girl, it's not started yet of course. But since now that I ALMOST finished my exams ( just 2 more to go... ), I really wanted to get back on drawing again.
There's a high possibility that I will post on my deviantart. Come look at it if you like, you can find the website on my profile!
( By the way, are you okay with it? I'm not sure if this is against any rules or something, but if you don't allow, I won't post it... )
KIRI NO BASHOE chapter 13 . 5/13/2013
YAY! Getting closer and closer to the ending now... don't really wish this story to end though, I wanted so much more to happen... *pout*
I still prefer yaoi though, but I really wanted one or two gender bending stories for every pairing I like, just to satisfy my curiousity!
KIRI NO BASHOE chapter 6 . 5/12/2013
What in the world did-
nevermind, I have to be honest with myself. I had expected something like that to happen from the very begginning
*sparkle with pride*
because that is what usually will happen in ALMOST all genderbending stories...
OMG, thanks for the picture, but I was a little diappointed that it wasn't full but only half...
Anyway, WHAT THE HELL IS GONNA HAPPEN NEXT?! Wait for my my dear chappie! Here I come!
KIRI NO BASHOE chapter 5 . 5/12/2013
OMGGGGGGG! *faint from nosebleed*
Someone must make a doujinshi out of this so I can image what Kaoru looks like as a girl!
*She'll, look so much nicer if there's extensions
Yup, my imagination just isn't enough for me!
OMG! This story is so cute!
As far as I can see... combination of romance, comedy, school (well, we know all that
already...) and my favourite thing... GENDERBEND!
Yup, I like gender bending stories! (when they gender bend the uke... not seme..)
This story is too cute! OMG! THANK YOU!
The 11 Tailed Vegetable chapter 20 . 4/26/2013!
How in the name all that's cute and fangirlish did you give life to something I actually wept! And I am not a girl who cries easily! And when Hikau really made 'love' to Kaoru-chan, I listened to Rufus' 'Hallelujah', and I actually started sobbing. If I ever get a boyfriend, this is how I want my first time to be. I would absolutely love it if you read my stories. I'm sorry if they're not as beautiful as this work of art, but I don't write much. I truly adore Fem-Kao... you know what? I'm calling fem-Kao 'Kaori' instead. This is an utter masterpiece, comparable to Michaelangelo's 'David', or the Sistine Chapel. I sooo didn't want it to end, but you broke it off at the best possible way. Thank you from the botttom of my heart.
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