Reviews for A New Slave
Paige1212 chapter 42 . 12/27/2015
Are you still adding another chapt or is this complete as is?
Eyghon chapter 43 . 9/11/2015
Loved it. Please wrap this up you are so close
Eyghon chapter 32 . 9/11/2015
Yes! I am rooting for Q. I don't think Santana deserves Claire.
Paige1212 chapter 43 . 4/10/2015
Love the way youre wrapping this up... Just how I'd hoped it would end :) still love this story.
Guest chapter 41 . 12/6/2014
Me likey :D

The story was really fast paced with a lot of action and suspense, and oh no a cliffhanger!

Thanks for the update
Guest chapter 21 . 11/18/2014
Quinn is taller than Santana.
Just saying
Musomusi chapter 40 . 7/10/2014
Yes, Jesse might be obsessed with Slavery but you don't see him going after Rachel who's been 'freed'?

The problem is that by omitting the authorities it's almost like you're saying that all cops are corrupt. They may not agree, but unless in your verse they have a law which dictates that 'no slaves can be freed', then they're obligated to do something- especially with the fights and shooting. Of course, you could always argue that Quinn is such a social pariah that no one wants to help her, but I don't see that that's the case.

Good writing should always be inspired. Uninspired writing is obvious and boring, and is often not worth reading at all.
GreyWolfe21 chapter 39 . 7/7/2014
don't leave us hangin' like that it's cruel and unusual punishment
Paige1212 chapter 39 . 6/24/2014
As usual, a super great chapter with a cliffhanger that kills me! Haha, please update soon! Hope vacation was fun :)
Guest chapter 39 . 6/24/2014
Oops I actually got Russell and Jesse confused lol, I'm so used to Russell being the scumbag ;)
Guest chapter 39 . 6/24/2014
Nooo Quinn! I'm holding out hope the shot fire was not from Russell's lacky's gun.
musomusi chapter 39 . 6/24/2014
Hmmm it's a bit.. Well rather it's VERY short. It's almost like it's hard to get into this story because every update is so short that as soon as you sort of get into the rhythm again it's cut abruptly short.

Also, I question this desperate need of Jesse's to re-obtain Claire. He sold her which means that he didn't care for her, just the money, he treated her like crap and it's not like he had some infatuation with her because he sold her to Quinn. So really this storyline doesn't really make very much sense. What would've made sense is if Jesse had become infatuated with her, or if he hated Santana and knew that those two had a thing, he refused I sell her and then Claire ran away to Quinn for help.

It also seems as if there wouldn't be a need for Quinn, Claire, or Santana to hide because they 'obtained' Claire legally (buyin her consensually from Jesse). And speaking of the law, where are the Police?
Paige1212 chapter 38 . 6/10/2014
Omg awesome twist! Awesome job on those last two chapters, keep doing what you're doing! Love this story!
secretlestech chapter 38 . 6/10/2014
jeeej theykissed :D i hate jessy!
snowdrop1026 chapter 38 . 6/9/2014
Shit! Quinn got herself in quite the situation. This isn't good. Can't wait to read more. I hope someone comes to help her cause something tells me that Jesse isn't leaving so quickly. PMS
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