Reviews for Lies
TwiTragic13 chapter 1 . 4/17/2013
Type your review here...
deactivated2107997 chapter 1 . 7/27/2012
Beautiful drabble... so bittersweet and full of sentiment. Usually, Connor is depicted as an angry, angsty boy for no particular reason, or because of his strained relationship with Superman or his 'twisted' past with Cadmus, but you... you really gave it a depth that I have yet to find in another author. I'm glad you managed to see beyond the surface and grasp all of that painful yet awe-inspiring complexity that Connor is; that raging, never-waning battle of wills and ideals and emotions.

Also,how you barely mentioned M'gann but also carved her personality and main traits was just mind-blowing. I especially liked that you made her 'cheerfulness and bubbly behaviour' something positive instead of annoying; seeing how the comment was made from Connor's point of view, it was even lovelier and held a lot more of significance. His seemingly uncaring yet pained way of referring to their break up and to his heartbreak were also precious details. What really made me go 'aww' on your ficlet, however, was the lack of resentment. Just a confused heart and its aching.

I'm pinch-clapping and you should be proud!
snake screamer chapter 1 . 5/15/2012
well despite the fact that according to the show Conner dumb her, stating she left him no choice (And considering she turn two Krolotean\ into vegetables i have a good guess as to why.) this is a good fic.
samcheese1 chapter 1 . 5/5/2012
Actually -they said this in the new episode- Conner broke up with M'gann.
East Coast Captain chapter 1 . 5/1/2012
I hope someone tells Conner that there are more fish in the sea. Life is not over just because he and Megan broke up. But its understandable, she was his first love we dont always end up with our first loves thats just the way life is even for a superpowered being like Conner.
o chapter 1 . 5/1/2012
Well done