Reviews for In Medias Res
AMT149 chapter 6 . 2/2/2016
This is literally the most beautifully written OHSHC fic I have ever read.

I don't really even ship Kyouya/Kaoru, but I stumbled into the tag last night and this fic made me stay up till 4am because it gave me too many feels to sleep. It's so beautifully and intricately woven together; I thought it was stunning how wonderfully complex the layers of plans were (which I think really nailed in the realism for me), yet it was explained clearly and revealed so smoothly that I didn't feel overwhelmed. I loved your characterization, you really captured hints of the characters we know, but instead of leaving it to that shallow cliche, I felt like the seriousness really helped show that they're grown up now, which a lot of future!fics don't do. I'm still reeling from how amazing this story is.
Guest chapter 6 . 12/12/2014
Omg this was beautiful. I cried. I loved it I wasn't a huge kyouya/kauru fan until now.
Keela1221 chapter 6 . 8/31/2013
This story is a work of art! The writing and the plot and the EMOTION of it was just astounding! Thank you so very much for writing this. I really look forward to reading any others!
Pornboy53278673285487 chapter 6 . 8/22/2013
NO NEVER WRITE ANIME YOSHIO. Too much angst will ruin me. Especially since reality is so cruel, just like Kazuha described. I know that not everything is rainbows and sunshine but a girl can dream, right? I mean, I am bored of sappy unrealistic happily ever afters, but at the same time I don't like to finish with too much angst. That's why I love this ending the way it is, I love how you added enough hope in there. Realistic, because in reality a couple like this can't get away without getting hurt, but still hopeful, and deninitely bittersweet (Kind of like the ending for Mockingjay, right?).
Forget the next four years, I'm more curious about the FIRST four years! I would still love to see the next four years (because anything you write is going to be good), but I am more interesed in seeing Kyoya fall in love with Kaoru. Actually, I am VERY interested in seeing Kyoya fall in love with Kaoru. REALLY interested. EXTREMELY interested. Especially since this chapter had me blushing non-stop. This is my OTP now, like, my REAL OTP that nothing can beat. Not like an OTP that's one of the many OTPs that you can have, but that one OTP that nobody knows about that is your ONE TRUE PAIRING. That's what this is to me now.
I drew them together the other day, in an almost-kissing position (and I could not stop blushing) but then I remembered that my family would look at me like I grew another head if they saw it (even when I drew Ciel and Sebastian from Kuroshitsuji as a request, I was very lucky when my mom thought Ciel was female when she saw it), so I had to make Kaoru look like a girl by adding earrings, making the eyelashes longer, shading the lips, curling the hair a bit, and other things like that so he looks like his mom now... my family doesn't really approve of this stuff in general. Which is unfortunate because when I really like something I want to draw it. A LOT (the amount of times I have drawn Kaoru is kind of unhealthy). And reading this story isn't helping. Especially when your writing does what it does to my feelings.
Anyways, I can't remember if I read this because it came up browsing through Kyoya/Kaoru fics or if I went to your profile and it seemed interesting to read. I don't remember what made me want to read a Kyoya/Kaoru fic in the first place. BUT I REGRET NOTHING.
Pornboy53278673285487 chapter 5 . 8/10/2013
This is my favourite chapter of this story. I'm not sure why, but I think it's because of all the… action? XD haha idk. It was just so satisfying because I know how it feels to be in Kaoru's position, to have arrogant people be jealous of you and to be hated for being "better" (it's not flattering at all, it actually just feels stupid & awful and I'm surprised Kaoru wasn't affected by it because it makes me very upset), so having the Hayashidas get their butts kicked was great for me probably because I subconsciously wish to see my real version of the Hayashidas get their butts kicked.
I think you got the Ootoris spot on. They were exactly how they are meant to be.
I don't understand some of the business stuff (which makes me feel pretty dumb) but I understand the important parts.
Here's something I don't understand, HOW DO YOU MANAGE TO MAKE KYOYA SO.… KYOYA? Are you a Kyoya, or do you know a Kyoya, and that's why you are able to write him so Kyoyalike? *flips table* HOW?!
Anyways, your writing is… I don't have another adjective I haven't already used. Lovely? Precious? Precious. It's precious, dahhling, it's flawless! (;O)
Pornboy53278673285487 chapter 4 . 7/28/2013
This is SO host club.
The planning and setting up and carrying things out precisely as a team is such a host club thing to do. They do it all the time in the manga as well as the anime yet I have never read a fanfiction that created this... What would you call it? Schemes that bring people together? I really hope you understand what I'm trying to explain because I can't figure out how to explain it.
I think it's very difficult to create a host club "episode" that has one of their infamous schemes that bring people together because you have to think and take every little thing into account and you can't miss a single thing because Kyoya would never miss anything and he would be extremely thorough. So I think it's really amazing that you managed to create a flawless trademark host club scheme.
This chapter is so satisfying because – let's face it – we tried to feel bad for the Hayashidas because nobody loves them, but in the end we all wanted to see Kyoya kick their asses. And yet somehow I still feel empathy for Hayashida-san because she's not good enough for Kyoya, and I know how it feels to not be good enough, as do many, many others. And nobody beats Kaoru Hitachiin.
Pornboy53278673285487 chapter 3 . 7/27/2013
These chapters seem much shorter on a computer screen than on my phone. Which is better i find, I just like short chapters. Hikaru is great as always! w The first time I read this I was anxiously waiting to meeet Kyoya because no other fic can ever make him perfectly HIM and so I was hoping that you would make him right and you did. 8D hehehe. He is so Kyoya, I LOVE IT :D
The tension here is uncomfortable and upsetting. But I know it's good to have tension because it made me anticipate when they would finally not be awkward together and be cute instead.
Love is definitely insatiable. Especially when you are a fangirl that can't get enough of sweet Kaoru and sexy Kyoya.
Have I ever mentioned that I love your use of language in writing, all the words you use that arent commonly used in everyday speech but make perfect sense?
For example, you write it as "As the groom's closest friends, they stay behind to accompany and support him while everyone leaves, presumably to tend to other matters and change before the party."
But using my own mental vocabulary (so no thesaurus) I would probably only be able to write it as "Everyone leaves to prepare for the party, excluding the host club who stay behind to support Kyoya."
It's alright, but pretty suckish because anyone could do that. Especially in fanfiction, particularly this site. Not many people on the Internet could write like an adult novel though, even if they used a thesaurus to look up alternatives for every word. But you can, which is probably one of the reasons you can keep Kyoya so in character, because he talks like an encyclopedia! And you talk like an encyclopedia. That's a compliment, though. If I talked like you I'd never shut up.
Pornboy53278673285487 chapter 2 . 7/24/2013
That bitch reminds me of someone. She reminds me of that other bitch from the second or third episode of the anime, the one that got water dumped on her head by the twins. Also that other bitch from the manga that looked like Tamaki's mother and rode an elephant as if she was the queen. Tch. Oh but then she turned out to be missing her family or something, and she was just pretending to be a snob so that they could send her home. So she's nice I guess, unlike this Hayashida bitch making him design a dress for her as if she deserves it! ARGH
When I first read this I tried not to judge her because maybe she was just raised that way and she doesn't mean to be hurtful. I try not to be too mainstream by always being on the main character's side just because he happens to be hurting but this time, I just can't NOT take his side and hate this bitch. You've created a typical antagonist and yet, I know 100% for sure that there are people like Hayashida Erisa that actually exist in life which really sucks especially if they exist in your own family like mine.
At this point I remember starting to accept Kyoya/Kaoru and actually wanting them to be together. See how easily you converted me?
The entire fic makes my heart wrench, do I really have to say it for every chapter?
Sorry for saying "bitch" too many times but I just need to say it.
Also, I find Kaoru's business voice very interesting. I'd never imagined what Kaoru would be like when he's doing business, so when I hear him speaking all formal and polite I remember how cunning he is. Kyoya once mentioned even how he could be a con artist!
Pornboy53278673285487 chapter 1 . 7/24/2013
I'm going to review this but I'm not going to check over it because it's 2AM so if I sound ridiculous and make grammar/spelling mistakes then i'm very sorry.
How are you so capable of making my heart wrench? I love the titles you come up with, they just fit so nicely. And the quotes.
I love how you made Hikaru so truly Hikaru, if I had the patience I could draw this out in manga form and fool someone into thinking Bisco Hatori did it because it's just that in-character and I've (sort of) adopted Bisco's style of manga anyways by drawing her characters so much.
Anyways, I remember the first time I read this (I have read this fic a few times btw because I can NEVARR understand anything the first time) I was still a Hikaru/Kaoru fluff lover and I still luv all da fluff here. I also remember being skeptical about Kyoya loving Kaoru like that but I kept reading because I like the language you use and because I felt like I needed to give it a chance. And I'm happy I did.
Can Hikaru and Kaoru connect with each other telepathically in this fic? Or do they just read each others' expressions like a book?
The one that Hikaru felt he needed to wash his brain out from seeing?!
I thought really hard about this and at first I thought it might be some kind of dirty photo but Kyoya wouldn't send dirty photos, they're not in high school! Even if they were in high school they would be more mature than that. My best guess is that sex is mentioned, because maybe Hikaru is disturbed by the thought of his brother having sex. Actually that's probably it, isn't it?
Did I mention that this is so damn heartbreaking.
rhetoricfemme chapter 6 . 2/22/2013
I just finished reading this fic over at LJ, and was absolutely floored by it! You did each character so much justice, and I love how your use of language melds sophistication and fun together.

I wouldn't expect it to be easy, but I truly hope there's a beautiful ending for the two of them at the end of this story!
Guest chapter 6 . 7/16/2012
write the next four years! write the next four years! I am a huge fan of your works, they're written so beautifully. Please tell me you're writing the next four years? pleease :DD
Cysil-Requiem chapter 6 . 7/3/2012
This was awesome! I really love your stories. Please do write more?
Iseki chapter 6 . 6/27/2012
NOOOOOOO please never write Anime!Yoshio into this EVAR. I will blissfully remain wrapped in my manga-universe security blanket and nod appreciatively. Nice one Daddy Ootori, may you be praised for your sensibility!

This chapter was such fluff and I love you for it. I was squirming in my seat with sugar in my mouth and a near- constant and conspicuous blush covering the better part of my face. It’s a great ending; looking ahead to the dangerously close cliff-edge while still appreciating the honeymoon period. If you ever do write the sequel I may have to get myself into a fitting state of self-deprecation to read it. I must also house a large stock house of tissues prepared. By the sounds of things you already have a lot of the inevitable hardship summed up in your head. But of course the absolute conclusion is promised- these two are built to struggle and satisfy and eventually be happy- together. So read it I will... Weep I will... What makes you cry the most will ultimately be the most satisfying! (may I relay the disclaimer to anyone reading that this is not necessarily life-advice.)

Kazuha was wonderful. Part of what I’ve enjoyed the most about this story is how you reiterate that although it is at its heart a romance there are conditions and prices for everything. While fulfilling our desires to see True Love accomplished we often forget about everything that follows the Happily-Ever-After; blame media, blame movies, blame the longing in every person for it to be so easy. Of course it isn’t. And when you realize this it is wholly refreshing to see the truth of the matter exposed in a way that is both bittersweet and complex in all of its promise. In a way it is stories like this that give us more hope and valid expectations in our own romances.

Egads. The heat. The passion. Yes, it leaves me quite breathless. You know exactly the right amount of detail to include without shying away the less hardened romance-readers. It was enough to paint a perfectly hazy scene complete with rose petal borders and shoujo-bubbles and leave the rest to the imagination. And this worked well as Kaoru himself was so seemingly carefree yet devious with his ministrations. Yes just the right amount of setting and ardour to help us to remember that they will be alright. There will be trials and this world is steeped in the cruelty of reality but this level of love does exist and in the end it is possible to triumph.

I must see this ring. It sounds TO DIE FOR. The delivery of the engagement only strengthens its beauty. Oh my I’ve gotten far too flowery with this one but I am positively humming. Expect your return gift soon my friend! Thank you for this fine fine read.

Iseki chapter 5 . 6/27/2012
The delay to my reviews has been far too drawn out... Let's continue!

The ending to this chapter very nearly made my heart burst. but instead of a cude splash of gore perhaps rainbows and sunshine might have exploded out- in other words, this ending helped me experience a wonderful blissfulness! The lead up, the excecution, the additional details all coming into light... lovely Kaoru and lovely Kyouya, I'm just so very happy to see their happiness come into view and even more so when you read on and realize it's not thanks to chance or a father who secretly has a heart of gold, it's thanks to their own efforts and toil. Every motion was accomplished with great precision even the ones Kyouya could not predict the conclusion to.

There is evidence of great research or a better understanding of the business world and the cogs that turn it, I’ve been less convinced by popular public works! That’s what makes all the reveals so poignant. The world you write is drawn with elegance and authenticity and the feats of the two seem that much more remarkable once you have brought us into this world. It’s a true talent and you must be proud.

Having this chapter written from Hikaru’s point of view... was just awesome. As this is the chapter where everything comes together around Kaoru to allow him to offer his own successes it shines light on OT7 and their feelings. I never expected any less from you, but it must be said that it’s fantastic to read such a dramatic romance and not have any of the secondary characters forgotten. In this case it’s completely true to the fandom to have them all as an integral part of the design and finally allow the group to bare their teeth at the enemy. AND DID THEY DESERVE IT.

Thank you. Thank you for making the Hayashida’s so easy to despise. Thank you for making the taste of their defeat that much more delicious. It was insightful to dash a handful of additional maturity to their dialogue because knowing this world there are those types of people who do not practice business in such a cool ruthless manner as the Ootori’s and instead must bite and claw at those who cross them. I imagine Madam Hayashida being about as useful as soggy dish-rag when you have an entire ballroom to swab. Monsieur Hayashida must be pleased to have such a bull-dog as his trophy wife.

The Ootori family themselves- Well! It was always my belief that Kyouya’s siblings weren’t given a great amount of exposure in order to create an accurate character profile and deliver their movements without uncertainly, and yet! And yet... what I do know of them and what you’ve written here matches flawlessly. The brother’s behave exactly as you would expect, Fuyumi in a timid and kinder manner, and Ootori-sama himself is a god; lording over his family with expectation and reflecting attributes inherited by all his sons. WONDERFUL CHARACTERIZATION.
theblackpencilcase chapter 6 . 6/18/2012
I love you. That wasn't mean to come across as creepy. But it probably did. I love how realistic the characters are being in this story and the complexities of what Kaoru had to do. Plus even though Kyoya is my favorite character and I did think he was a bit of an ass but at the same time I can completely understand why he did it. And I can't believe that I actually ship this now. It is now one of my OTPs. Congratulations on converting me to this ship. )
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