Reviews for The Cogitare Bookstore
Too Late Night chapter 14 . 6/2/2016
Every time I read this I find something new. This time it's a combination between understanding EXACTLY where Roxas is at (in the beginning, talking about Axel to Zexion) in terms of the person you love the most annoying the shit out of you and tripping rather than casually falling in love as that's happened to me with my beloved. Secondly, to do with this chapter, me being the Grammar-Nazi that I am never spotted that you wrote "condemn" instead of "condom". I don't think you should change it. From experience it does feel like condoms condemn couples to worse sex because there's less to feel. I love re-reading books, and this is one of my ALL-TIME favorites.
Riku Lyonheart chapter 16 . 8/13/2015
kawaii! so sweet. amazingly wtitten. you are a superstar! I widh you luck in life, as I know you'll do amazing, if this is any indication of your skill level. Thank you for this story!
Tifer chapter 4 . 2/17/2015
I'm only 1/4 through, and I find this fic very agreeable.
Tifer chapter 1 . 2/17/2015
-Aqua eyes widened-

I totally misread that, I thought Aqua magically popped into the picture somehow XS
Corvus chapter 1 . 11/10/2013
I must admit the writing style is very professional, and you have a lot of criteria to become yourself a professional writer. You have a large sense of vocabulary and know when and how to use words correctly. I myself read often and i can easily visualize what you are trying to say; that shows you have a great sense of figurative language to better express your ideas. Not only that, but everything in this story you have described reminds me of a place i have been and how I myself feel on a regular basis. to explain further it is from the bookshop setting to the way Zexion himself feels. I really enjoy this story and i look forwards to reading it to the very end. Good work.
The Sitar Hero chapter 10 . 6/14/2013
Wow everything you said your doing is pretty much everything to do outside of Madison and Milwaukee. (Oshkosh is fun, but there's to much of my family there.)
DemDemBear9 chapter 16 . 5/26/2013
Seb name no fem chapter 16 . 4/7/2013
One of the best ive read , i admire that trait of Zeku that he always uses the correct or scientific words
Otaku Kid1996 chapter 16 . 3/16/2013
WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWO WOWOW! That was the best KH fic I've read in idk how long! I'm really glad I found this one. I actually found myself laughing and crying and just overall randomly reacting reading this in the car or in a room (making my own family thinking I was a little insane for laughing or crying for no apparent reason). I kept having interruptions so it took me like 3 days to read it all, me actually staying up till almost 4 am just to finish it. Thank youu for giving me something to read when dealing with insomnia. .
Lokifangirl13 chapter 16 . 3/15/2013
I realize that this fic had finished last year, but still it was so beautiful I just wanted to thank you. :)
CaptainAlice96 chapter 16 . 2/21/2013
I adored this story. To tell the truth I am usually more of an Axel/Demyx fan, but this well-written, obscenely cute fan fiction has convinced me that even Akuroku is most respectable. Congratulations on converting a begrudging Akuroku supporter as well as a now avid Zemyx lover!
VexenIV chapter 16 . 2/20/2013
This was extremely well written, and I really enjoyed it. The way Zexion's change was progressed and reflected on, along with the others was incredible. Poor Dem though. :( And Axel... They've both had a hard life.

Well done. :) I'm sure bits of this were hard to write, but you did brilliantly. Definitely one of my favourite stories. _ *gives you a big thumbs up*
ignis crudelis chapter 16 . 2/16/2013
So, I've spent my whole day reading this entire story from the first word to the last, A/N's included, and let me just say-wow! This was beautifully written, with just the right amount of angst, a thing that is rather difficult, and with all the hope and smiles I could want. You are very talented and I fully intend to go look up your other stories!
Congratulations on an epic tale 3
SilverWingedRaven chapter 16 . 1/5/2013
Good suggestion in the author's note. I think I will :)
And that chapter... Blew my mind. Closed everything up so nicely... And they got married?! Awww good for them
Beautiful story, I'm almost sad that it's over, but you couldn't have written a better ending :)
SilverWingedRaven chapter 10 . 1/5/2013
Good chapter, but you said Xion was a cowboy at the Halloween party... Wasn't she a cop and Axel took her gun for his cowboy outfit?
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