Reviews for Questions and Answers
Professor SS19 chapter 1 . 7/21
I really enjoyed this; you got the characterisation very much spot on, and I liked how you built to the encounter so the slow change in perspective for both and Harry and Severus felt very genuinely. Excellently done! Thank you for writing!
ClaudeAmeliaSong chapter 1 . 11/23/2018
This isa very good story. I really enjoyed reading you.
FelixFelicisWriter chapter 1 . 5/18/2018
I adore this story! It is so well-written and you portray the characters perfectly. You did a pretty good job with this. Thanks for sharing :)
LoneTraveler chapter 1 . 3/9/2018
Overall, good writing. It’s natural for Harry and the reader to feel sorry for Snape after he has been subjected to the Crucio curse. No one I don’t care who should be subjected to such extreme physical pain. At the same time I have to wonder how much Snape has really changed. He has huge regret for his part in getting Lily targeted. Does he have any remorse about not caring whether James and Harry were killed or not? Did he ever get past his hate far enough for that? I think a frank conversation with Harry after circumstances similar to this story would be a very interesting, involving read. Whichever way you decide he’s grown ethically or not grown it would be a good read.
Mulberries chapter 1 . 1/30/2018
A most accurate and satisfying fatherly-type Snape ficlet, brilliant author! Much kudos.
Mottsnave chapter 1 . 9/30/2017
Such a satisfying story! I love that you have Voldemort recruiting from all the houses and Snape trying to save students from joining. And I really love that you've given Snape a much more solid motivation than a crush he had that one time. And I really really love that both Snape and Harry have a chance to reach a deeper understanding of each other. This is how it should have happened. Thank you for writing this!
CaptainGemStone chapter 1 . 8/28/2016
Very well-written and in-character. I enjoyed this a lot! :D
Wish Miss Rowling had included this in the fifth book, although I suppose there would have needed to be some set up first so it won't appear out of nowhere.
sound.of.the.sea chapter 1 . 1/25/2016
Nicely done!

I wonder how that would change things, especially Harry's reaction to Dumbledore's death. Would he be able to put the clues together when he's not being blinded by his previous hatred for Snape?

Just how does Snape keep track of time? It's hard enough to say if something lasts 1 1/2 or 1 3/4 minutes if you aren't in severe pain. Or is that what he does to cope: count the seconds?
WriterJace chapter 1 . 1/9/2016
Lovely story!
RainCityWriter chapter 1 . 11/30/2015
I really liked this! It would have done Harry a lot of good if this had actually happened.
XinconceivableX chapter 1 . 5/9/2015
I love stories where Snape and Harry have a chance to kinda hash things out. the way you did this worked really well, and was very believable.
IfIQuitNowTheyWin chapter 1 . 4/3/2015
That's a great short piece. And it shows Snape's softer side in a way that is still very much him. I would so have loved to see that in the book.

Snape got such a bad hand dealt to him, the double agent in a children's book series... Had he been the dark hero in an adult book series, he would have lived. No self-respecting spy would meet either of his bosses without precautions being taken and escape plans carefully mapped.

Well, he lives on in our stories! Well done, and keep writing.
JamesHendrickson chapter 1 . 5/21/2014
I beg to differ with Dumbledore's cute little speech but unless Snape masters time travel or necromancy then he'll never "make up for past 'mistakes'"; Snape is as responsible as Pettigrew and Voldemort for the death of Harry parents, and there are two things to remember about that very fact before you start proclaim Snape as a misunderstood saint.

1)-His little plea for protection was only for Lily, he didn't care if James died (given their past that is almost understandable if pathetic) but he also didn't care if Harry died (an innocent child).

2)-Almost in the same vain as the first point; Snape wouldn't have hesitated if Voldemort's intended victims had been anyone else. Meaning he would have done nothing (or even participated) had the target been another family.

Only hardcore death eaters think that way, good but misguided men wouldn't have been able to do such a thing regardless of who the victim was but Snape proudly and willingly became a death eater and didn't hesitate with anyone else; is it such a leap that if Dumbledore hadn't replaced Voldemort as Snape's master, Snape wouldn't still proudly wear his mark.

I know people love Snape redemption stories but they also forget that he wouldn't have 'changed sides' if Lily had lived or if the original target had been someone else; they also forget that he never once said he regretted his actions as a death eater (with the exception of Lily's death). Yes, he ended up fighting on the Light side but he didn't do it because he was suddenly shown the errors of his ways.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/12/2014
Very cute story !
E.BACKER chapter 1 . 4/20/2014
ojala siguiera, una buena historia.
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