Reviews for Stray Attractions
Guest chapter 1 . 3/20/2015
your story is very good so don't worry about it, but please hurry up with the next chapter.
KatsukisCatSuki chapter 1 . 1/2/2014
Please post more!For My Sanity,Please!
Tayklin Ram chapter 1 . 8/29/2013
Smouse chapter 1 . 11/10/2012
Intersting! :D must say this has potetial. Love how you portay Joey. he actually has som fire in him... And not turned in to some weak, weepy woman. Just wanted to give you my love for it.
darkmoonlady chapter 1 . 11/10/2012
Nice fic
Friendly darkmoonlady
Anjanie chapter 1 . 9/24/2012
are you going further:D?
Wolfpups989 chapter 1 . 9/2/2012
nice got more?
CelestialTomatoMonkey chapter 1 . 7/25/2012
qsdgufcajshgfcoXHMoajgf! Please write more soooooooon! I lovwed it so much and now I can hardly wait for the next chapter! if you don't, I'll come after you with my arsonal of spoons!
kunf'you'z-ed chapter 1 . 6/21/2012
Please please please please keep writing this story! I lovehow it's tuning out so far and I absolutely can't wait to see what you have planned to happen next to our boys.

I love the way that you don't make Joey either whiny and needy or too gruff to not care what's happening either. The way that he is so conflicted with wanting someone to help but not wanting to be dependent on them is so realistic. I feel so sorry for him; he's suffered so much and I hope that he's able to get his sister back least know she's okay.

And I can't wait to find out more about Kaiba. He already seems like he's caring and just tries not to show it. And I can't help but wonder exactly why he chose Jou besides the obvious and how Mokuba will react to him.

Please update soon! Thanx so much and I eagerly await reading more, bye!
CandyassGoth chapter 1 . 6/21/2012
Okay I totally should not be reading this because I am already following more than I can cope with, but I couldn't pass up such a good looking puppyshipping.

I've kept your penname in my to do list for a while now coz I really do wanna read your fic but I could never get here! I had a free second today and passed by and Im glad I did, coz you have this out!

Very well written! Its done very well and that always tells a reader the story will be good.

I love furries and nekos and inu people, its fun! And with puppyshipping? Eeeeeeeh. I just had to pop by.

Poor Joey. He was so down, Im glad Seto came to adopt him. Joey is just in denial. He'll prolly fight all the pampering Seto will give him, then crave it when he doesn't get it. But joey is adorable, so a inu joey is just uber cute.

Good start! I hope the amount of reviews you have made for this chapter make you happy _ I'll be around for more!
Pancake030 chapter 1 . 5/29/2012
IKckedGanondorfsA chapter 1 . 5/16/2012
it was supposed to be called "NeCo WAFERS!" teehee.; out of respect and not jealousy, I officially think you were destined to be the true writer in our family. [ have been waiting for the first flow-ahs of spring to bloom!...hahaha]

but yeah, i'm usually not into things will animal appendages; but hey-i'm usually not into blind people either-and somehow you always seem to make it work!

but seriously, I really enjoyed it. Also, don't put yourself down too much for Seto being "OOC" because in a lot of ways he's not; you're simply exploring the alternative facets of his character-dynamic-rather than dwell on the already emphasized characteristics as portrayed in the episodes.

yeah. anyways. haha i'll see you tomorrow!
Gus Kinney The Prodigal Son chapter 1 . 5/15/2012
oooooooooooooooooooo joey i want to see more of what happens
Fangirl4ver chapter 1 . 5/14/2012
NO this was AMAZING! Let me tell you, you got anyone right! Seto is amazing and Joey is just perfect:D I loved it! True I do wish I had more but I will take what I can:) I totally love this! God I dont even have words because this was so amaizng! Just dont spend months and months on one update...i might cry! I just love the idea of Neko and Inu...and the whole seme and uke thing too:P I also love how Joey has conflicting emotions:D PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE

-forever keep writing
Lelouch'sLove chapter 1 . 5/14/2012
Oh my! This is so good! *flails from amazement*
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